Live stream

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Sage pov
I went into the home studio. I kept the door propped so I could here the doorbell ring when my cousins arrived. I set my laptop up and paced the keyboard in front of it yet far enough back Giving the views the ability to see all my cousins.

I went into the kitchen and made myself some cereal. Pistol came down the stairs followed by Diana who had Bandit in her arms.

"Good morning." I said with cereal in my mouth.

"Good morning." Diana came over and Kissed my cheek.

"So what time is your cousins getting here?" Diana asked.

"Any minute." I said as I took Bandit from her.

"Nick and Evie are bringing the twins and Finn, correct?" She asked.

"Correct." I said.

"And Nina and Amer are at school. So Rikki is bringing Fitch and Esther?" Diana asked as she sat down at the kitchen table.

I put  Bandit in his Highchair and then helped Pistol into her seat.

"No Mom and Dad are watching them." I said.

"Alright so I just have to monitor Pistol, Bandit, two bilingual twins, and Finn." Diana said as I made her and Pistol a bowl of cereal.

I gave it to then and then got Bandit a blow of apple sauce. I gave him a spoon and put he used his hand instead. I sat down with them and ate.

I got a couple more bites in before the doorbell rang.

"Love ya." I said as I kissed Diana's cheek. I kissed Pistol's cheek then Bandit's. He got apple sauce on me.

"If you wanna come say hi you can." I reminded Diana.

"I may come in for a few songs." she said as I got to the front door.

Nick and Evie stood there children in their arms. Evie had her hair up in a turban like headband thing.

"Hey come on in." I said.

They came in. "Were just starting breakfast so ya." I said.

"Are we gonna wait till the rest of our cousins arrive?" Nick asked.

"Yep." I said.

I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink, then filled the bowl with water. The doorbell ran again and I got it. Rikki and Dimitri stood there at the door both on their phones.

"And you two try to control your children's screen time." I said.

They both looked up and put there phones away.

"Sorry about that." Dimitri said. I let them in.

"Okay Diana the children are in your control." I said as I lead my cousins to the recording studio.

"So make yourself confortable." I said as I went to my laptop.

I started the stream and sat on the couch.

"Hey welcome to the livestream. So as per to tradition the day before deployment Fate and the Fury and Royal Misfits will do a livestream. And since Diana and I are the last two remaining members who haven't been drafted. Well Diana can't be drafted, but I was drafted a few days ago. So I'm leaving tomorrow." I said as I leaned back in my seat. "So I decided that I would have my cousins and brother in law. Do the live stream. Diana may come in for a few songs but as of right now she's being the responsible parental figure." I said making my cousins laugh.

"What does that mean?" Rikki asked.

"I don't know she's taking care of the kids." I said.

"Wait I forgot to tweet this." I took out my phone and tweeted that I was doing a live stream.

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