- imagine #23 //

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Peace and quiet. Peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask for? The neighborhood had been bustling all week. From house parties to working outside, there was never a silent time on your block. Of course you had been responsible for some of the chaos, having a few get togethers yourself.

They were nothing major of course, just a few friends over for dinner. Of course that's what you told yourself when several hundred people showed up at your door over the course of two hours. Most of your friends were typically busy, working on whatever crazy scheme or mission they came up with that week. Most of them were known associates of the resistance, if not they were neutral. You had gone to school with several people who trained to become pilots and what not. They were basically your second family.

The night was young and your quaint little house was already packed to the brim, overflowing with familiar and unfamiliar faces. There was barely any room to walk. Someone yelled something along the lines of "trust fall!' when you heard a loud bang come from your living room. Absolutely fantastic. Clearly this would be impossible to get control of. Best to just go with the flow.

You said hello to a few old friends as you passed through the halls, trying to stabilize yourself. You sat yourself down and poured a drink. The cold liquid ran down your throat making your whole body tingle. You instantly felt a wave of relief wash over you.

Your stability instantly collapsed when a man practically broke down the door with his arms full of more drinks.

"The party has arrived!" he shouted as the door flew back towards him, nearly knocking him over. He kicked the door back open and walked in with a sigh of relief. Clearly most of the people in the surrounding area knew him because they all laughed or shook their head and smiled.

He set the drinks down on the couch and brushed himself off. You had never seen him before but you could tell he was part of the resistance. He just had that kind of rugged look about him. The wind blown hair and leather jacket combo really just sold it honestly. He wasted no time popping opening a beverage and joining a nearby conversation.

Hours had passed and the festivities showed no sign of slowing down. You had a painfully long conversation with your friend Finn that seemed to last forever. When that was done, you ate and drank more, trying to at least enjoy yourself. Yet again, another crash came from a nearby room. As much as you'd rather not acknowledge what just happened, you decided to go investigate.

The man that had rudely burst into your home earlier was now causing quite a mess. He had arranged what appeared to be some form of beer pong on your good kitchen table. While filling up the cups, one of them had overflowed, spilling alcohol all over your carpet. You decided it would be better not to cause a scene and just clean it up later. He continued until every cup was filled. You remained in the background, letting the events unfold.

"Hi" the man approached you "I'm Poe"

"(Y/N)" you replied, obviously unimpressed.

"Some party huh?" he smiled, trying to start a conversation. His curly hair was adorable, you just wanted to mess it up. And his eyes were absolutely stunning. He was tall, a good half foot taller than you at least. He was extremely confident in himself. It was clear just by the way he talked.

"So what's a nice girl like you doing at a party with these crazy fools?" he laughed.

"Actually I live here"

He practically choked on his drink. His eyes widened and he immediately looked guilty.

"This is your house? I'm so sorry about the rug I'll-"

"Its ok I'm having the house cleaned anyway"

The two of you made small talk for awhile, not really getting anywhere. He was intriguing though, to say the least. Finn found you again later on.

"Hey Dameron, stop harassing my friend. She's too innocent for you" Finn laughed as he walked by, deciding not to get involved further.

"She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind closed doors she's latex and whips" Poe retorted back, giggling like a child.

You choked on your drink, barely containing it in you mouth. He did not just go there. I mean you could tell he was bold but, damn. It was like that comment had just boosted his ego by 1000%. You wanted to punch him in the arm.

"I bet you I can knock that cup off of the table over there with my eyes closed" Poe was referring to a plastic cup sitting on a table about 20 feet away. It was barely balancing on the edge of a small coffee table.

"Bet you can't" If he was looking, there would've been no question about it, but it was impossible without seeing the precise location of the cup.

"Oh yes I can"

"Quit being cocky, no one in the galaxy could do that!" he was really an arrogant fool.

"I'm just saying, if anyone could do it, it'd be me. That's not cocky!" you were both laughing but he was still dead serious.

"I still think there's no way you'll hit it without looking"

"Fine. If I make it, you have to kiss me" a smirk on his face. Now he was really playing with fire. You agreed, knowing that there would be no way in hell he'd even come close.

He backed up about 3 feet me, lining himself up with the coffee table. He closed his eyes, and to be extra fair, he spun around a few times too. He stopped for a second to regain his balance. He shifted to the left, then a little to the right, then back to the left. And with whatever luck he had, he threw a ping pong ball at the plastic cup and managed to send it tumbling to the floor. The look he had when he opened his eyes was pure shock. The chances of this outcome were miniscule. He must've just had fate on his side. Poe spun towards you, a huge smile on his face.

"You owe me a kiss"

Well, if fate wanted it, you really couldn't object, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him as if your life depended on it.

FLYBOY_ POE DAMERON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now