Dragon Festival Disaster (Princess Hisui x Sabertooth Wizard! Reader) F

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A/n: I am very sorry for putting you through the emotional train wreck that is "Sheathed Heart"


"Watch out!" I tackled Sting to the ground before a Dragonoid could blast his head off. "You gotta be more careful, Sting," I said, hoisting Sting to his feet, "I don't feel like being the one who tells Rogue you died." Sting glared at me. "Not a time for jokes," He snapped. "That wasn't a joke, dumbass." I smacked my brother on the back of the head. "How did I end up with a brother like you?" I asked. Sting kicked me in the shin, so I responded with a noogie. "Ahem," The two of us looked towards Lector, who had been watching us. "I believe that THERE ARE DRAGONS!" I released Sting. "Kick some ass for me, I'll go make sure everyone else is safe." Before Sting could protest, I ran down an alleyway. "Hey, Stingy Bee," Sting cringed at my nickname for him but did turn to look at me, "don't die on me," I said seriously then ran off. I thought I heard him say, "You, too, sis," but I was already gone to smile at him.

Dragonoids surrounded me and my water spell was ready until I heard distant screaming. I looked around until I saw the fucking princess hurdling towards me. I had only conversated with her a few times, but they were only when I bowed down to her and when she told me not to. I squinted to get a better look at then blushed. She was butt naked. "Catch me!" She screamed. I awkwardly opened my arms. Hisui landed in my arms with great force, causing us to tumble down a steep street. We got caught in a flag and continued rolling. "No offense, your highness, but what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as we tumbled. "The dragon in front of the palace did this!" She wailed. Finally, we hit a rock, throwing us into the air then crashing into the ground. The two of us sat up, rubbing our heads. "Prince-" Hisui shrieked then threw the flag on my face. "Don't look at me!"

I blushed then started feeling around the ground. "I'm-I'm not going to look at you, Princess. Hold on, I-" I grabbed onto something soft. Suddenly, a pain ran through my cheek. "Ouch!" I yelped, holding my cheek. "...I groped you, didn't I?" There was a moment of silence before Hisui said, "Yes. I'm sorry for slapping you. You may uncover your eyes." I uncovered my eyes, Hisui was wrapped in the flag we were wrapped in with a blush. "Come on, I should get you back to the castle." I looked around and miraculously found a clothing store. I walked inside. "What size are you?" I asked, holding up a navy blue dress that was knee high with an opening to show the legs. A silver belt to hold a whip or celestial keys was along with it. Hisui told me her size. I found the dress in her size then handed her it. I covered my eyes as she changed then picked her up bridal style. "W-what are you doing?"

"Getting you back safely, I'm Y/n Eucliffe by the way." Hisui smiled slightly at me before I took off towards the castle. Dragonoids fired at us, but I easily avoided their beams of magic, occasionally scrapping my elbow of back, other than that, the princess and I were unscathed. "Y/n!" I heard Rufus call. I came to a sudden halt, almost dropping Hisui. "Rufus!" I yelled with a smile. "Why...are you carrying Princess Hisui?" Orga asked, pointing at Hisui, who was holding m tightly with a blush. "Long story, but I'm heading to the castle. If you see Rogue, tell him Sting's safe." The two nodded and I ran off. "You care greatly about them?" Hisui asked me quietly. "Yeah, if you haven't guessed it, Sting's my brother. He and Rogue are boyfriends and I support their relationship greatly, if something happened to either of them, I would hate watching them suffer." Hisui smiled then held onto my shirt tighter.

"Princess!" Cernal Arcadios ran towards me. I put Hisui down carefully. Arcadios approached us a little slower. He held Hisui's shoulder. "Are you harmed, Princess?" Hisui smiled. "No, Arcadios, Y/n protected me." Arcadios looked me up and down, making me flinch. "Thank you, Y/n, you protected her when I wasn't by her side." I sweated a bit then scratched the back of my head. "Oh, it was nothing, anyone would do that." Hisui giggled a small bit. "Thank you once again, I hope to see you when this is finished." Hisui kissed my cheek, making me blush, her as well. "Th-" I tripped a bit on a rock but caught myself, "thank you-I mean you're welcome!" I was beet red. Arcadios looked away as he tried to hide his laughter. Hisui giggled. I turned around then ran away. "Bye, Prince-Hisui!" I turned the corner, where I nearly face smashed with Dobangold. "Ow, ow, ow," We both said, holding our noses. "Why are you so red?" He asked me. My cheeks reddened. "Forget it!" I ran away.

"Y/n," Sting wrapped his around me with a drink, "nice to see you alive." I pulled away from Sting with a small frown. "Yeah, yeah." I folded my arms and scanned the area. 'Is Hisui alright?' I thought, not noticing Sting and everyone else staring at me. "So," Sting approached me slowly, "I heard from Rufus that you and the princess became a thing." I blushed and glared at Rufus. "We. Are not. A thing!" I snapped at the group. They backed away in defense. 

I wandered off and finally found Hisui. She was admiring everyone talking happily from different guilds. I sneaked up behind her then hugged her from behind. Hisui started laughing and turned to face me. "I'm happy to see you alright." We said at the same time then blushed. "Hehe." We nervously laughed and separated. Music started playing and we looked around. "May I have this dance?" I asked, holding my hand out. Hisui smiled then took it. We waltzed along with everyone else. I caught Sting and Rogue dancing next to us, whispering and smirking. When Hisui wasn's paying attention, I flipped them off. "Who's that lady dancing with the princess?" A woman asked who was watching from the sidelines. "Y/n Eucliffe, I believe, she is one of Sabertooth's S-class wizards."

"Hisui wanted to protect us all!" I yelled, defending Hisui from her father. Everyone looked at me with wide eyes. A blush crept onto my cheeks, but I held my ground, walking next to Hisui. Quickly, everyone started defending Hisui alongside me. In the end, she had to wear a freaking pumpkin head. I was in between Sting and Rogue when I burst out into laughter. Sting and Rogue looked at me with wide eyes. Hisui blushed and said, "D-don't laugh at me, pumpkin." She said embarrassingly. "But it's just too funny, pumpkin~." I winked, making Hisui blush even more. Suddenly, a pumpkin head was on my head. Hisui smirked, thinking I'd be embarrassed, but I laughed even more. "Well, another dance, pumpkin?" I asked, holding my hand out to Hisui again. She smiled. "Of course, pumpkin."

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