Forbidden Hearts (Levy McGarden x Angel! Juvia Lockser) L💚

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"Long ago, angels and humans lived in harmony. The humans would give their prayers to angels,  She giving them strength, and in return, the angels gave humans food and a healthy earth to live in. But then, one human convinced the others that the angel was poisoning the earth, and they stopped praying. The angels, now weak and unable to live for themselves, kept all the food and energy they gave to the humans for themselves. As time grew, more wars were fought until the humans vanished. Unknown to the angels, humans now live in our utopia, Fioré. To this day, we have not be found nor are we ever allowed to befriend or love an angel." Mother looked up at me only to see that I was staring out the window. "Honestly, Levy," mother sighed impatiently, "you'll never marry prince Redfox if you're uneducated." I glanced at my mother. "Gajeel Redfox is a prick."

"Levy Josephine McGarden, watch your language!" I rolled my eyes. "Can I go now?" Mother sighed but nodded as she closed the book. I smirked happily. Before I left I grabbed my satchel full of interesting and better books, an apple, and a sketch pad with pencils put on my brown jacket, boots, kissed Father's picture and then left. I climbed on top of the roof and looked at my hometown, Magnolia. I saw Natsu Dragneel, the local blacksmith's son, flirting back and forth with Gray Fullbuster, the local sculptures son. I saw my best friend, Lucy Heartfilia, in the library blushing as she spoke with Cana Alberona, the owner of the local pub's daughter. I caught a glimpse of Wendy Marvell, the local medic's daughter, talking with Ezra Scarlet, the head of "prince" Gajeel's Calvary. I say prince in quotation marks because Gajeel is a self-absorbed asshole who thinks any girl, even the lesbians, want him. I, a lesbian, do not. I jumped roof to roof, catching the flirting couple. "Lev," Natsu smiled, "off to the woods again?" I nodded happily. Gray smirked. I waved goodbye and went back to my roof-hopping. I'm actually going into the woods to see Juvia. Juvia is my girlfriend. We've been together for three years now. I jumped down the final roof. The woods faced me. I ran into them with a bright smile.

"Ahhhh~." I heard the soft melody that could only be Juvia. I followed the melody, soaking in the small drops, the runs, the high notes. Finally, I was in a small clearing with a waterfall that went into a pod. I saw a girl with curly blue hair, brown eyes, and pale skin dancing on the water as she sung. Large white feathered wings were sprouting from her back. She was wearing a knee-high silk blue skirt with a purple crop top. "Juvia!" I called happily. Juvia stopped singing and dancing before she flew into my arms. "Levy!" She happily cooed. Yes, my girlfriend is an angel. We met four years ago when I accidentally shot her with a crossbow, she still hasn't let me live it down. We stayed friends for a year, but I really liked her. One day, I just asked her to be my girlfriend. We weren't even supposed to be friends, now I wanted to date her. To my delight, she said yes. We've been together for three years without anybody knowing.

"What should we do?" I asked Juvia. She smirked then jumped into the pod.I kicked off my boots and clothes, not including my underwear, before jumping in. Juvia giggled, retracting her wings to give us space. I splashed her slightly. She retaliated with a larger splash. We continued splashing and playing in the water until nightfall. "Mother is probably at Ms. Alberona's pud, wasted," I said. Juvia and I were leaning against a rock. Juvia had one of her wings wrapped around me to cool me off. We stared at the stars in silence. "Juvia loves you," Juvia whispered.I smiled before nuzzling into Juvia's neck. "I love you, too." I started petting Juvia's wing making her gasp. She bit her bottom lip with a large blush. The wings are an angel's soft spot. Finally, Juvia moaned, "Levy~." She glared at me. I got rid of the glare by slipping my tongue into her mouth slowly. Juvia wrapped her arms around my waist as I sat on my knees between her legs. We pulled away for air, panting heavily. Juvia started sucking my neck as I removed her crop top.

While Juvia removed my bra I sucked on her nipple. Juvia moaned in pleasure. She started massaging my breasts, making me moan. I pulled back from Juvia's chest and went to her neck. I sucked on it roughly and bit it softly. When I was proud of my work, there were three bite marks and nine hickeys. "Levy," Juvia moaned, "please." She begged. I started removing Juvia's skirt as she removed my panties. When we were both naked, there was a call. "That's the king's bell," I whispered. "Levy!" I heard all my friends yell. Juvia and I shared panicked looks. "Levy!" Lucy yelled when she saw me. "Yes?" I asked sheepishly. "Why...are you naked?" Lucy asked, covering Wendy and Natsu's eyes. Juvia was hiding behind a tree, wrapped in her wings, as I stood naked. "I was going for a swim." I lied. "But you're dry." Cana pointed out. "You found me just as I was getting in." There was a pause of silence. The only sound was the bell. "Get your clothes on, the king wants all his subjects." The group ran away. I quickly put all my clothes on. Juvia hugged me from behind, clothed. 

"I'll be back tomorrow." She whispered. I kissed her passionately before she flew away to angel territory. I chased after everyone with a small smirk. 'Someday, we'll escape, and be happy without secrets. I promise, Juvia.'

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