Hospitals (Injured! Juvia Lockser x Nurse! Lucy Heartfilia) F + A

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Someone: It can't be fluff and angst! You can't do that!

Me: Fucking watch me!


"Oh! That has to hurt!"

It happened too quickly.

"She's bleeding!"

I couldn't process it.

"Someone call 911!"

It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

"Juvia, stay with us!"

But it did.

"Champion swimmer Juvia Lockser broke her leg at state final due to opposing team cheating." Gajeel read slowly. I am a swimmer. Or, I was. Gajeel is my coach and best friend. He was there when it all happened. "She'll be okay, right?" Meredy, my cousin, asked. "I don't think so," I answered. "Don't look so sad! I'm sure once you heal, you'll be back in the water in no time!" Levy, my teammate and Gajeel's girlfriend, tried assuring me.

"I doubt it, the doctor said I tore a pretty important, and fragile, muscle. My chances of ever walking, much less swimming, are low." Gajeel, Meredy, and Levy shared concerned looks. "We'll be back tomorrow, Juvia," Gajeel said. Levy gave me a side hug before leaving with Gajeel. "Bye." Meredy hugged me then left. I sighed hopelessly. Gajeel left the paper, so I decided to read it. "The swim team Phantom Lord cheated in the state final by breaking, and possibly permanently damaging, champion swimmer Juvia Locker's leg. They put olive oil on the diving block, so when Juvia stepped up to dive, she slipped off, cutting her leg open and breaking it. Juvia's coach, Gajeel Redfox, said, "Phantom will be disqualified and suspended from competing for four years. The coach, Jose, has been arrested for injuring Juvia so badly." Apparently, Jose only intended Juvia to pull a muscle or fall into the pool. His reasoning for his deed was that Juvia was a past member of his team, once she left, he lost the championship."

I tore the paper apart. I tossed it into the trash can then groaned. "Fucking Jose!" I yelled, hoping the patient in the next room didn't hear me. There was a soft knock. "Come in," I called meekly. A woman with blonde hair in a messy bun with beautiful brown eyes walked in. She was in the nurses uniform. A pink top and skirt, white heels, and the unique symbol of the hospital was sewn onto her uniform. "Juvia Lockser, my name is Lucy Heartfilia, I'll be your nurse for your stay. A pleasure to meet you and thank you for choosing Fairy Tail Hospital." I couldn't help but love her satisfying happiness. "Nice to meet you, too, Lucy," I said back.

"Anyways, I'll be asking you some questions for your hospital file, is that aright?" I nodded. Lucy sat down where Gajeel was previously was and pulled out a pen. "How old are you?"


"Date of birth?"

"July 17th, 1996."

"Blood type?"


"How long have you been swimming?" I didn't see how that was relevant, but I answered. "Since I was three years old." Lucy smiled at me. She didn't write that down for some reason. "Favorite color?" I was confused, but I liked the questions. No nurse has ever been this nice or asked me these kinds of questions. "Blue, yellow is a close second." Lucy put her pen away and clipboard down. "This is pretty obvious, but those two questions had nothing to do with your hospital record."

"No, really?" I asked sarcastically, earning a laugh from Lucy. "I like to connect with my patients, I don't want it to be weird when I come in to check on them. So back to the questions, then feel free to ask me some questions." I nodded my head happily. "Favorite sport besides swimming?"


"Any siblings?"

"One older brother."

"Favorite book?"

"Swimming Home by Deborah Levy."

"That's about all I've ever asked. Your turn." Lucy said excitedly. I smiled with a small blush. Something about her was so...amazing. "Age?"


"Date of birth?"

"April 9th, 1996."

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue and pink."

"Favorite sport?"

"I'm more of a reader, but I was a cheerleader in high school."

"Any siblings?"

"No, but I do have a cousin who is like a younger sister."

"What's your favorite book?"

"Zodiac by Romina Russell."

"You sound like an interesting person." I joked, making Lucy blush. "Thank you. So do you." Lucy checked the time then gasped. "I have to get your record into the hospital system soon, I'll see you tonight or tomorrow, bye, Juvia!" Lucy yelled then ran out f the room. "Bye!" I yelled awkwardly. "She can't hear me." I snapped at myself.

I found my stay at Fairy Tail Hospital enjoyable. I expected my stay to be gloomy or boring, it was the complete opposite. Not only do I have Lucy as my nurse, but all of the other surgeons, doctors, and nurses have different and unique personalities. Gray Fullbuster, a gay surgeon who's boyfriend is constantly hurting himself, took a liking to me because of my sexual preference, women. I also give him great advise on his boyfriend, Lyon Vastia. "He just cuts all the time! I try to make him stop, but it never works!" He would yell. "Maybe you should spend more time with him, take with him about his feelings, have his friends as him about his cutting less and just hang out with him." Surprisingly, my advice worked like a charm, and Lyon hasn't been cutting.

Erza Scarlet, a doctor who is usually in the Emergency room due to her calm personality, has a husband named Jellal who works as a mental health therapist in a different unit. Erza was the one who did surgery on me when I was injured. Sometimes, when I get my physical therapy from Lucy, I see her and Jellal having lunch. They once invited Lucy and I. Erza is a great friend and she helps me with my depression towards my injury, not as much as Lucy, but still often.

Natsu Dragneel, a male nurse who is bisexual, likes to pop in with new hospital gossip. Apparently, this hospital has a lot of young doctors who seem to have a thirst for drama. "So Laxus found out that Mira did it with one of his patients, now they're arguing about it. Now Freed and Lisannaare involved, and I just love the sidelines. Gray tells me to get back to work, and I just say, "Bitch I am working," he rolled his eyes and walked away." Laxus and Mira are two surgeons who I don't talk with a lot, but I've become acquainted with them. Lisanna is a nurse and Mira's sister, and Freed is a mental health therapist like Jellal, his also Laxus' fiance.

And Lucy, she been amazing! She smiles at me, laughs with me, and when I feel sad or depressed, she'll hold me. She makes me feel better, as a person and with my injury. I've felt like that with someone once, and I'm so happy to feel it again.

The only bad thing is, my results came back today. My leg is permanently damaged. At this rate, it'll have to be surgically removed. I'll be getting a fake. "Juvia," it was Lucy, "are you alright?" Lucy walked into the room with a concerned look. "I heard the news from Natsu. All of us are worried about you. You haven't called me ye-" I looked at Lucy. I was crying. "Juvia!" Lucy ran towards me. "Don't cry! Please! I'm sure everything will be alright. Gray and Erza told me that even with the fake, you'll be able to swim again after you can walk and run!" I buried my face in Lucy's shirt and sobbed. Lucy wrapped her arms around me, shushing me and rubbing my back.

"I know, it's hard. But you can make it through this." I sobbed, "I don't want to do it alone." Lucy made me look at her. "Who said you eve had to." My lips quivered. "Thank you, for everything you've done." Lucy smiled. She then kissed me softly on the lips. I smiled into the kiss and kissed back. When Lucy and I pulled away, she smiled. "Everyone will help you through this. You've made a bond with all of us here. I'll be with you, every step of the way."

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