Nightmares (Yukino Aguria x Minerva Orland) S + Limish

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I've been with Yukino for two years now. I am happy with her, definitely, but I'm concerned. For the past two months, I'll hear whimpers from her bedroom. On some occasions, she'll come into my room, crawl into my bed, and struggle to sleep because she's shivering. "Yukino," I said, "are you alright?" I asked her. Yukino looked at me. "What do you mean, Minerva?" She asked me with a small smile. "For a little while, you've been acting weird. You don't seem to be sleeping." Yukino looked at her cup. "I-I don't know what you mean." I stood up and walked towards Yukino. I rested one hand on the table while the other held her chin. "M-Minerva." Yukino gasped. I leaned closer towards her. "Yukino, we've been married for two years by now, if something is bothering you, tell me." Yukino gulped. "N-nothing is bothering me."

I got even closer to Yukino. She was blushing a dark shade of red. "One last time, what's bothering you?" Yukino's breath was mixing with mine. "N-nothing." I slid my tongue into her mouth. Yukino moaned. Our tongues battled for dominance. My hand that was once on the table was now under Yukino's shirt. I ran my hand up her body until I found her bra clip. I unhooked it, letting the blue undergarment fall to the ground. I put my thumb on Yukino's nipple making her moan even louder. She put her hands on the sides of my head, scrunching my hair. I continued to rub her nipple and when that started failing I full on groped her. When Yukino doesn't want to tell me something and I know there's something to talk about this is what we do. Yukino must not have wanted to tell me because she grabbed my ass. She started rubbing it. I blushed and moaned.

Yukino pulled back from me. Both of us were panting heavily. "F-fine. Y-you, win." I sat Yukino down on my lap. "For a long time, I've been having nightmares. At first, they were savory and predictable, but the more I had them, the worse they got."

"How much worse?" I asked with my face in Yukino's back. "They became nightmares where I relived my expulsion from Sabertooth. Where I was forced to s-strip." I hushed Yukino because her voice started cracking. "Deep breaths," I whispered. Yukino took a second before continuing, "then I was being beaten" She teared up. "By who?" I asked quietly. "I was being beaten by you." My eyes widened and I gasped. "Y-you called me weak and worthless. You told me you were just using me for sex, that I was a toy for you to play with." Yukino started shaking. "It hurt, because I love you, and I thought you did, too." I kissed her collarbone. "I do, Yukino, I love you. That's why I married you, that's why you were my first, that's why I asked you to be mine, that's why I asked you out. I love you, please never doubt that fact." Yukino turned around then hugged me. She was crying and the tears were running down my back.

I'm not ashamed to admit, I started crying, too. "I love you so much, Minerva Orland," Yukino mumbled in my ear. "I love you so damn much, Yukino Orland." The two us kissed once more but it was calmer. When we broke apart our foreheads were connected. After that day, Yukino never had a nightmare. 

A/n: Sorry it's so short. Just wanted to say I won't be taking requests for a little bit. I have a lot of requests and I get a lot an some are a little hard to do. I have three drafts and I'm afraid of adding any more will make me go insane. Have a nice day

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