It's So Wrong, But It Feels So Right (Wendy Marvell x Twin! Reader) A

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Thank you @Wendyfangirl for the request....why? Just, why?


"Onii-chan!" I opened my eyes and saw my fraternal twin, Y/n Marvell. "Onii-chan, time to wake up, Onii-chan." I smiled at her and kissed her nose. "Morning, Sisi." Y/n smiled widely and rolled off my bed. "Mama made breakfast." She smiled and walked out of the room. We're both 14 but she acts like a little sister. I stretched my arms and walked down the stairs to meet all my siblings. Natsu, Zeref, Romeo, Chelia, and Meredy. Our mom, Grandeeney, was making pancakes. "Morning." They all said and I waved. I sat down between Chelia and Y/n. Y/n rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. She loves doing this and I love it when she does it.

"Here you go, dear." Mom said and gave me a plate. When I finished eating with everyone else we all got dressed for school. Y/n, Chelia, Meredy, and I changed into our bathroom while Romeo, Natsu, and Zeref changed in their bathroom. Chelia and Meredy left and Y/n was brushing her teeth. "Can I get help with my hair," I asked while trying to braid my blue hair. "Hai." She spits her toothpaste out and started braiding my hair. When Y/n leaned forward to grab a hair tie I got a smell of her (f/s [Favorite scent]) conditioner. I quietly inhaled the scent and blushed a little. 'It's so wrong, but feels so right.' The voice in my head said again for the millionth time. "Onii-chan, let's go to school." Y/n snapped me out of my thoughts.

"R-right," I said with a blush. 'It's so wrong, but feels so right.' We made it downstairs and saw everyone waiting. "Let's go! Gray's gonna kill me if I'm late!" Natsu yelled. "Gratsu!" We all yelled loudly. "Fuck you~" Natsu cooed and kicked the door down. "NATSU DRAGNEEL!" Our father, Igneel yelled and Natsu made a run for it, Zeref and Meredy close behind. Sherry, Chelia, Romeo, and I walked far behind them. Y/n was putting the door back on the hinges. When she finally finished she ran over to the rest of us. When we made it to school we saw Zeref with his girlfriend, Mavis, Meredy with her boyfriend, Lyon, and Natsu making out with his "soulmate", Gray.

"Y/n-kun~" a girl cooed and hugged Y/n from behind. Right on cue, Simiki Magima. Y/n's yandere. She always ruins moments for Y/n. "Hello, Simiki." She said smiling. I felt anger fill up inside of me. "Sis, are you okay?" Romeo asked me. "Yep, yep, yep," I whispered and walked away. 'It's so wrong, but feels so right.' The little voice whispered. It's hard to admit, but I'm madly in love with my sister. 'It's so wrong, but feels so right.'

Y/n: After school

After school, all of my siblings and I walked home. Wendy was standing next to me and she was staring at my hand. I was about to grab it when I heard a rustle in the bushes. I looked over and saw Simiki. I raised an eyebrow and shooed her off. "Hey, guys, I got a date with Gray. See ya looser's!" Natsu yelled and ran away. Then Zeref's phone rang. "Hello...Mavis?.....Okay, bye, love you too." Zeref smiled and said he needs to help Mavis "study". Yeah, Mavis was blushing today, you were getting handsy, and you were nibbling her neck. I know you're gonna have sex today.

Meredy soon left to see Lyon, Sherry left to see Ren, Shelia left to see her friends, and Romeo left to see our uncle, Wakaba. Now it's just me and Wendy. 'It's so wrong, but feels so right.' The little voice sang in my head. I hear this voice over and over again. I'm in love with Wendy, my sister. "Wendy, I need to tell you something." I suddenly stopped and snatched her hand. I've thought this over, I look nothing like Wendy or my siblings. I have (h/c) not pink or blue or purplish black, (Zeref has a darker shade than me [for people with black hair])

I don't have sharp teeth like Natsu and Wendy, I don't have any traits of my siblings. "Y-yes?" Wendy was blushing. "Um...look, I know it's wrong....but...why does it-"

"Feel so right?" Wendy asked with wide eyes. My cheeks started heating up. "Y-yes, sorry." I let go of Wendy's hand. I turned around and walked away until I heard muffled screams. I turned around and saw Wendy being dragged away. "WENDY!" I yelled and ran after her. I ran until I tripped on my feet. "Ah!" I screamed as I rolled down a hill with thorn bushes. I finally hit a rock and broke my arm. I winced in pain and felt all the blood on me.

"NII-SAN!" I heard Wendy yell. I scrambled up and saw a broken warehouse. I ran over to it and punched the door. "Simiki! Open the god damn door!" I yelled then saw a window. I fought my broken arm and blood-soaked body and climbed through the window. I saw no one but my sister, tied to a chair, covered in cuts and bruises. "Wendy!" I ran over and untied her. When the ropes were off Wendy fell into my arms. "Who did this to you?" I whispered to her. "Simiki....Simiki, behind you." I turned around just in time for Simiki to stab me in the arm. I hissed and punched her. "Y/n-kun? Why?" She asked me. "Because you're a bitch."

I picked Wendy up and helped her out of the warehouse. We couldn't even make it up the hill before Wendy and I fell from our injuries. "Oof." I opened my eyes and saw Wendy on top of me. Our cheeks then started becoming red. "I'd get off if I could." We laughed. Then I made the greatest choice of my life. I cupped her face and kissed her lips. Wendy gasped but kissed back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and Wendy wrapped her legs around mine.

We finally broke apart and our cheeks were red. "It's too wrong," Wendy said. "Let's run away," I said and sat up. "But what about our family and friends?" Wendy asked in a panic. "Would they approve of this?" I asked and kissed Wendy. We broke apart. "Only if we leave a note," Wendy said. "Fine."

'Dear family and friends,

Just so you know we weren't doing this against our will. The truth is we were in love and we knew no one would approve. We don't look anything alike and Y/n is changing her name in our new state. There, we will be a couple even though it's wrong. We're listening to the voices in our heads. It's wrong, but feels so right.'

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