I'll Always Be Here (Erza Scarlet x Minerva Orland) S

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Requested by: noonie_white17

Erza💓: You on your way?

Yeah, almost, babe

Erza💓: Okay, Lucy just left with Lisanna, so take your time, sweetie

Okay, love you

Erza💓: I love you, too

Minerva put her phone down. The stoplight just turned green, so Minerva drove forward. She put her hand in her sweatshirt pocket and ran her thumb over the leather box. 'Today you're gonna do it, Minerva! You're gonna make Erza Scarlet your fiance, TODAY!' Minerva thought with determination. She pulled up in front of the ten-story apartment building, her determined expression still there. Erza was standing on the curb in a dress shirt, a scarlet tie, a navy blue skirt. When the two made eye contact, joy filled their eyes. Erza excitedly climbed into Minerva's car. They passionately kissed with bright smiles. When they pulled apart, Erza pecked Minerva's nose. Now, usually, you'd call this overboard, but, Minerva has just returned from a six-month term her father forced her to take at a training camp in America. Now, she was back and she wanted nothing more than to see her girlfriend of five amazing years.

"So, where to?" Erza asked after settling herself into the seat. Minerva smirked playfully, "It's a surprise~!" Erza pouted but she looked so adorable that Minerva pinched her cheek. This led to Erza bursting into a fit of giggles. Minerva smiled to herself and started driving. There was a comfortable silence as "Freeze Your Brain" from Heathers played in the background. Minerva and Erza constantly glanced at each other. Finally, they started laughing. "What?" Minerva asked through her laughs.

"Nothing, nothing, it just seems unreal, is all," Erza responded, literally waving if off. Minerva took her hand into her own. She brought it to her lips then softly kissed it. "I'm here, trust me." Erza smiled.

Minerva's eyes shot open. The bright shine of the hospital light blinding her. She shot up, holding her chest. "Erza," She moaned. Her throat was dry and lips cracked. A nurse scribbled something down on her notepad before handing Minerva a glass of water. She accepted, drinking swiftly. "Wh-where am I?" Minerva asked after her throat was moist enough. "Magnolia Central Hospital. You were in a dreadful accident a few days ago. Your lover, Erza Scarlet, is a few rooms away." Minerva rubbed her shoulders. "Ca-can I see her?" She stuttered. The nurse's expression fell in an instant. "I'm sorry, but Erza's doctor isn't allowing any visits at the moment. I'm sure you may visit her when she's in better health."

"Better health? Is she not in the same health as me? Is Erza okay?" The nurse held her hand up. "I only know so much, Miss, please, rest, you need some proper sleep." Minerva snapped, "I was already sleeping. I want to see my girlfriend!" The nurse sighed. "I'll see what I can do, but for now, please, rest." She left with a defeated smile. Minerva tried to remind herself of the past. 'We were in the car, and...and...and...what else, that can't be it! Something had to have happened.' There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in!" Five people shuffled into the room. Yukino Aguria, Minerva's best friend since first grade, Sting Eucliffe, Minerva's ex-boyfriend and close friend, Rogue Cheney, Minerva's twin brother, and Rufus Lore and Orga Nanagear, Minerva's other friends, all stood by her side.

"I'm glad to see you awake, Minerva," Rogue was the first one to speak. Sting nodded his head, his hand holding both Yukino and Rogue. They had a Poly relationship at the moment. "Indeed, you had quite the accident," Rufus said with a small smile. Orga nodded his head with folded arms. "Thanks, but I don't remember much, about the crash, it's all so fuzzy." Yukino frowned. "Maybe you have some short-term memory loss, I'm sure you'll remember soon." Minerva sighed. "In all honesty, I don't think I want to remember."

A few days went by, and Minerva recovered. Bits of the crash returned like it was a drunk driver, there was no internal damage caused to Minerva or Erza, and that the man survived and was arrested for drinking and driving. The worst of it all, Erza was in a deep and dangerous coma from the initial shock. Minerva sat by her girlfriend's bedside. The only sound was the light beeping from the heart monitor. Minerva gripped Erza's hand in her own and kissed it like she had done before the crash. "Erza, baby, I know this isn't the best place to say, but I have to tell you, I love you so much, you're the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You saved me from me, you showed me the light. You're a beacon of hope. I love you, and I can't see myself without you, so please, please, please, wake up, and marry me."

There was a moment of silence. Tears streamed down Minerva's face as Erza remained still. "Please," Minerva sobbed. She held Erza's hand closer to her head and sobbed. "Min..." Erza moaned, "Min...erva..." She repeated for five minutes until she said something new. "I...love...you..." Then Erza fell silent. She didn't speak anymore, and Minerva's tears continued to fall. "I love you, too. I'm here, I'll always be here, baby."

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