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Liam's POV

     {Happily | | One Direction}

"And then she said I had a boner, but I didn't!" Niall exclaimed.

Me and Louis laughed while Harry and Zayn stared wide-eyed at Niall.

"S-She's very graphic." Harry muttered, chuckling.

"But that's why I like her, she said and I quote 'Niall! I am an absoloute mad fucker! You think you can handle that?'."

"Aww, Niall has a crush!" Louis jumped onto Niall's lap, pulling at his cheeks and ruffling his bleached hair. Niall smacked his hand away, smiling like an idiot.

"So what if I do? Like, have you seen her eyes?" He dreamily stared at the wall, I swear I saw him drooling.

It's cute how he kept going on and on about Jade, he'd just sit there smiling if you mentioned her name, or something that sounded like her name.

"Anyways, we have another interview today." Zayn perked up.


Zayn checked his iPhone, nearly dropping it when he saw the time.

"Now! Go! Come on!" he shooed us with his hands, me chuckling in the process.


"Hey boys! It's so great to be sitting with One Direction, world's biggest boyband." she smiled. The interviewer's name was Anna. She had long blonde hair, brown eyes and a perfect white smile. She was wearing a strapless yellow dress and yellow sandals.

"Thanks," Harry smiled, blushing ever so slightly.

"So boys," she winked, "lets hear it! Raise your hand if your single."

Harry and I both raised our hands.

"Niall? Who is the lucky girl, finally found your princess?" she giggled.

Niall chuckled, " It's not official. Her name is Jade, she is a fan and I met her after our concert on Friday. She was wearing a t-shirt with my face on it. Supposedly Harry's her favourite, I'm her second." he blushed.

"Awww, she sounds lovely. What's she look like?" she leaned in, actually looking interested.

"Well, she has brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders, blue eyes, dimples, braces and she is small and curvy." Niall was grinning, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Cute." she smiled.

"He wont shut up about her though!" Louis chimed in,  "He only met her 5 days ago!"

The audience roared with laughter, some saying 'awwww' as Niall attempted to hide behind me and Zayn, blushing a deep red.

"Anyways guys. Fourth album, tell us. What should we expect?"

"Well," Zayn started, " I will be rapping a little." Some girl shouted out 'That's sexy, Zayn!'

"Thanks, love!" he shouted back.

"Louis, how is your relationship with Eleanor going?" she smiled, tightly.

"Really, really good."

"Do the Larry rumours ever annoy you?" she pulled her eyebrows together.

"No, there honestly is nothing going on. People are saying that managment aren't letting us come out, and Eleanor's father works for Modest! and she is a beard. He does work for Modest! which is actually how I met Eleanor, crushing from afar I was," he batted his eyelashes,"And head of Modest!, Tom, said that he wouldn't dare hold us back from coming out. So sorry to the Larry shippers out there, there is nothing going on between me and Harry." he shrugged.

"Well, Liam, got your eye on anyone?" she batted her lashes and winked.

"I do, sorry love." I nervously chuckled.

"Mind telling us who?"

"Nope." I smugly grinned.

"She would be a very lucky girl." she chuckled.

Oh if only you knew.


Everything I write about me in this is true. Whhooohhhh.



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