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Niall's POV

   { Wake Me Up | | Ed Sheeran }

It was now Monday night. Jade had texted me earlier, giving me her address. She lived in a black and white two story house. Infront of the house I could see white pillars, and iron gates painted black.

I pushed open the gate, and got back into my car. I had to drive because Jade didn't live in Dublin. She also lived on a backroad, meaning it was a small narrow road and it had no sidepath to walk on.

I drived and pulled up at the front door, next to a blue Ford Focus. I nervously got out and rapped on the door. From the other side I could hear shouts and laughter.

The door opened to reveal a small boy, no older than 5 maybe 6. He had dark blonde hair and clear blue eyes. "Who are you?"

"I'm Niall, I'm here to take your sister out on a date." I smiled, he was cute.

"Are you Jade's boyfriend?" he opened the door a bit more.

"No, no. Not yet, I might ask her after I get to know her."

"Jade, your boyfriends here!" he screamed behind him.

Jade came running down the hallway in white converse, pink ombre shorts a crop top that had the infinity sign on it and a black hoodie. Perfect.

"Oh my god Niall! I'm sorry my brother is a fucking idiot!" she kneeled down to her little brother, "Evan, I'm going to kill you."

With that she got up and closed the door, not before hugging her little brother."So killing people is on the agenda tonight?" I chuckled, walking back to the car and opening her door.

She smiled and got into the car, I jogged around and backed out of the driveway, headed towards a small diner.

"It's just a catchphrase really. One day I was talking to my friend Cian and I wanted him to stop whatever the hell he was doing so I just said 'stop or I'll kill you.' And I don't know, it just, stuck."

"Alright," I chuckled.

"So Niall, why did you decide to take me out? Like, you could have someone way better. Like, Ariana Grande! I ship it." A grin crept onto her face while she spoke the last words of her speech.

"I chose you because you weren't shy, you were very outgoing and you weren't afraid to curse. You were completelty yourself."

"Niall," she laughed," I'm an absoloute mental fucker! You sure you can handle that?"

I laughed lightly and smiled, " I sure can try."


"..And then he fell off!" Jade laughed as I told her a story of how Louis was 'sexily pole dancing' on a merry-go-round. He's weird.

"Louis is an idiot. Eh, still love him." She smiled and relaxed into the bench. Were were sitting in a park, just chatting.

"Is Larry Stylinson real?" Jade randomly asked. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No, why?"

"I ship it. Like really really hard," she let out a quiet sigh, " but I do ship Lirry Stayne."

"Oh really?" I smirked. "Want me to tell you a little secret?"

"Duh!" she laughed, her dimples gave her an innocent looked.

"Liam is gay and actually has a crush on Harry."

Jade's eyes were wide and her mouth was open, ready to fall to the floor by the looks of it.

"Your joking, right?" she laughed nervously.

"I, Niall James Horan, swear on my life that I in no way am joking." Jade started to hyperventilate, her hands twitching and her eyes widening.

"Jesus Christ Jade, are you ok?"

She let out a long, screech. "LIRRY IS REAL! I'M GOING TO FUCKING DIE OF THE FEELS!"

"Come again?" The feels?

"I don't know how to describe it, it's a fangirl reference." she picked at the aglet on her shoelaces.

"Don't tell anyone, or we are fucked."

"I promise." winked.

"How can I be sure?"

Jade put her arms around the nape of my neck, pulling my head to her in a sweet kiss. My hands rested on her hips.

Our mouths moved in sync, I heard an almost inaudible moan come from Jade. Our tounges roamed each others mouths, mine taking over.

"And that Horan, is how you give someone a boner." Jade smirked.

"What?!" I looked down. No boner.

"I'll get you for that."

Jade stood up, backing up slowly," I don't think so."

I ran up to her and lifted her into the air, twirling her in circles.

"Niall, stop! This is so cliche!"

I reluctantly put Jade down, smiling. " Sorry, princess."

"Oh, so I am Nialler's princess? The one he waited for his entire life?"

I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face.

"Maybe you are." and I leaned down and pecked her lips.

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