"I don't know what to say."

"Then let me say something." He walks over to me and takes my arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. You were right. I should have made time for you. You are so special to me and I should've known that before. Actually, I did know that before but I didn't take it into consideration and realise how much it would affect me not having you in my life. I was in a place where everyone was around me. I had so many 'friends' that I forgot about the people who are actually matter to me. If there's one thing I've learnt since we stopped talk it's how much you truely mean to me. You're everything. You're the only one I could ever really trust. The only one I ever really cared about. You weren't friends with me because I was famous or rich or because I could get you into jobs or clubs. You were friends with me because you wanted to be my friend. I'm sorry I never let you know how much you mean to me. Please forgive me."

"I-I." I stutter.

"Miss Grace, you're on." A crew member tells me and leads me on stage.

So many thoughts are running though my head making it hard to concentrate.

"Please welcome Nia Grace!" Ellen introduces you.

"Hey Ellen, how are you?" I hug her.

"I'm good, how are you."


"Wasn't Justin's performance amazing?"

"Y-yeah. He's a great performer."

"You both know each other, don't you?" She smiles.

"Yeah, kinda."

"For a while huh?"

"Um yeah, we have."

"That's very interesting." She laughs a cheeky laugh. "For how long?"

"Since childhood." I blush.

"What a coincidence! Justin was talking about a girl from his childhood. Would you have any idea who he was talking about?"

The audience gasps realising.

"Quite possibly yeah." I giggle.


The interview continues with Ellen linking back to Justin throughout it.


"So I believe that's the end of our show, thank you to Nia Grace and Justin Bieber! Be kind to one another!"

Once the show ends Ellen turns to me and smiles.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Do you believe in forgiveness?"

"Y-yeah, I suppose."

"Good, just checking." She winks.

I give her a polite nod and hug.

I walk backstage to find Justin sitting in a chair, a little anxious.

I clear my throat and he snaps his head up towards my gaze.

He stands up and I walk towards his with a neutral expression on my face.

When I get close enough to him he gulps.

I hug him.

"I missed you." I mumble.

He snakes an arm around my waist.

"I missed you too." He squeezes me a little tighter. "So much."

Justin Bieber Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now