"I'm sorry. I just...I don't know what was wrong with me. I think most of it had to do with the pregnancy. The hormones."

"Yeah, yeah. Use that as an excuse all you want. You just wanted to hit me. That's all." He teased. She laughed in response. "Seriously, I'm glad you're back. We all are. And about the pregnancy and all...so sorry. I wish it turned out differently."

"I wanted to keep her."

"Then why didn't you? Because the father isn't around?" Answering that question would have made her look even more stupid even though that was part of the truth. "I don't see Daniel's father around all the time. Does that mean you shouldn't love him? You gotta do what makes you happy. If keeping the baby was what you wanted, you shouldn't have given her up. You have family who would help you. Daniel's like a son to me. I love that kid to death. Makes me wanna have my own rugrat. But I don't know..."

"What's stopping you? You love Bee. You're married. I don't see the point of waiting."

"I don't think it's the perfect time for us. Being that we're so busy in our careers right now. But eventually...it'll happen. I'm getting SO much practice from Daniel."

"I think you'll be a great dad. You have the patience. You love children. I can see that. You will do good. You and Bee." A faint laugh escaped his lips.

"One thing I hate is a bad ass kid. I think I'm so patient with Daniel because he's a great kid. He doesn't cause any trouble. You did a terrific job raising him. You're a very important factor in his life and you shouldn't think otherwise. So next time you decide to leave, I'm gonna kick your ass. Just giving you a heads up." She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm here for good. Trust me."

"You better be."

"Mommy look!!!!" Daniel ran inside the living room holding up something in his hand. "My tooth fell out!"

"What?" He handed her a small tooth that was in the palm of his hand. "Oh wow. It did. Did it hurt?" He shook his head no.

"You know what this means, right?" Justin stood up. "You gotta put that under your pillow for the tooth fairy. One tooth for five dollars."

"Five dollars?" His eyes stretched in surprise. "Cool!"

"That is cool. I only got a quarter for my tooth." Beyoncé spoke up.

"Let's go put that under your pillow." Solange suggested while standing up. The two headed towards the stairs.

"So..." Beyoncé took a seat beside him. "Is everything okay now?"

"Uhhh yeah. For now." He kicked his feet up, placing them on top of the coffee table. "What do you have there?" He asked, leaning over to peer inside a ceramic bowl in her hands. "Chocolate ice cream? Jesus Christ, woman. I thought you were in there cooking us dinner. I'm starving."

"There's food in there." She spoke simply while stuffing a portion of ice cream in her mouth.

"Okay. It's not gonna cook by itself." She immediately met his gaze with this stern expression on her face. "Oh boy." He sighed heavily. "Never mind. I'll order out. How's a pizza?" She watched him reach in his pocket for his cell phone. "An extra large meat lover's. Sounds great right about now. That and some...spicy wings."

"It does sound good."

Three days later (April 1, 2016)

Beyoncé laid in bed sleeping next to Justin. It was pretty cold in the room. The temperature was probably at least sixty-five degrees. Justin was freezing but Beyoncé on the other hand wasn't. Since she was pregnant, she was always hot and made sure to have the AC in the sixties while they slept.

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