"Nothing's gonna happen to me." She watched him place his hand on her big belly. "I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't wanna lose you. I wouldn't know what to do. I'd be lost without you. We've known each other since we were teenagers. We basically grew up together. You're my best friend. I'm nothing without you. Losing you would be like..." She reached out, running her hand over his messy hair.

"Baby, I will be fine. I promise."

"Anything can happen though. You have no control of that. Even the doctor said you've gained a lot of weight. Your pregnancy is a high risk...whatever that means."

"I'm being induced the ending of this week if he doesn't come on his own. Everything will be fine. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily." He sat up, propping himself up on his elbow and leaned over, planting a kiss on her belly. "You should go back to sleep. Don't let some dream get you so worked up. It's just a dream."

"Sometimes dreams are like...premonitions. I've had a few of them and then years or even less than that...it happens. It's like deja vu."

"Sure." She spoke teasingly.

"I'm serious. I dreamt when I was...sixteen that I would meet a very pretty black woman while I was ON TOUR one day." She broke out laughing. "Ahaha. I'm serious. That black woman was you. We met and I fell hard."

"Your dick got hard. That's all." She laid back as he carefully climbed on top of her, making sure not to rub up against her belly.

"It did get hard. It's even hard now but that doesn't matter, now does it? It's not like I can use it."

"You sure?" She bit her lip teasingly. "Can I suck it? I miss that." He shook his head no. "Why not?"

"You know why not." He leaned in, pecking her on the lips. "You make me cum so hard and then I want more. But I can't have more." She moaned softly between his lips.

"Just let me make you feel good. Just this once." She kissed his neck, biting the area gently. "Please." He could feel her hand in his boxers, groping his manhood which happened to be semi-hard. "Look at that."

"Okay." He couldn't fight it. He laid back on the bed, yanking his boxers down.

"Yay!" She loved making him feel good in this way. She even got excited right before she gave him a blow job which he thought was hilarious.

He propped his hands behind his head for support as she went down on him, not wasting any time. "Oh my god." He shut his eyes, moaning softly. Why was she so damn good at this? And it felt extremely better after a hiatus for some reason.

"Poor baby. You're backed up, aren't you?"

"Extremely." He groaned deeply. "Fuck." He reached down, resting his hand on the back of her head as she picked up her speed.

"Shit." Less than five minutes later, he was releasing his seed all over the bed. Whenever he was backed up, his semen seemed to shoot out like a water gun. "Fuck." It felt like heaven. His body was tingly all over and he felt so relieved. "Thank you. Fuck, that was great." He was grinning from ear to ear now.

"I can tell." She felt a sudden sharp pain in her lower abdomen. "Shit." She hunched over, holding the area in awe. She had no idea where it came from. "Whoa."

"You okay?" He quickly sat up, examining her closely.

"Yes. I...I think so. I just felt a pain." She scooted up, resting her back against the mountain of pillows. "I'm sure it's nothing."

YONCÉ in LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now