Start from the beginning

"You were trying to get in my pants since day one. I saw the way you looked at me. Mister Hot In The Pants."

"Do you blame me?" He asked, sizing her up teasingly. "I mean, you were sexy as fuck. Still are." He flirted. She rolled her eyes at him. "What? You disagree with me? I know you considered yourself this hot woman. I saw it in the way you walked. Your behavior. You were like...I'm the shit. No one can touch this. Ahaha."

"Shut up." She continued to stroll the shopping cart down the hall, slowly coming to a halt in front of the ice cream section. "I'm craving ice cream."

Twenty minutes into their shopping, Justin decided to part ways temporarily with his bodyguard. They went down the Health and Beauty section since he needed more deodorant and toothpaste. Dylan, the other bodyguard stood close by as he watched him wander the aisle.

He grabbed a few packs of deodorant and some boxes of toothpaste; his eyes focusing in on kids toothbrushes. He stood there observing the items in deep thought. Ever since the pregnancy, he'd been shopping for baby items like a shopaholic. The only person who knew besides Beyoncé, was Dylan. And that was only because he had no choice but to take him with him shopping.

He reached over to grab the electronic spider-man toothbrush; a smirk forming upon his lips. He still couldn't believe he was going to be a dad.

A flash hit him. He quickly looked to his right to see a paparazzi taking a picture of him with his camera. The same one who'd been following them the whole time around the store. He quickly put the toothbrush back on the rack and turned, making his way towards Dylan who was nearby. "Were you just looking at that baby toothbrush?" He asked, following them down the hall.

He ignored him as he proceeded towards the end.

"Is it true that Beyoncé is pregnant?" He asked, snapping more photos. "Are you expecting?"

"Chill out, man." Dylan spoke.

"We wanna know. The people want to know!" He gritted his teeth, trying so hard not to snap on this man.

A week later (November 23, 2012) - 5:11am

A day after thanksgiving, Justin woke up around five in the morning and took a visit downstairs to the kitchen. Their relatives were there for dinner the previous day and weren't planned to leave until later that week.

He opened the refrigerator and reached in to grab the sweet potato pie that his grandmother Sadie made. "Come to papa." He shut the door and turned, unsuspectingly meeting up with Beyoncé who heard him sneak out of bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Um..." He quickly hid the pie behind his back. "Nothing. I was just..." She stood there with her hands on her hips. "What are you doing? Why are you...up so early?"

"I have a flight in two hours, remember? You do too."

"Shit. You're right. I forgot." They were scheduled to fly out to New York to record a few tracks for her upcoming album. "I will get ready soon." He watched her approach him.

"What do you have behind your back?"

"Nothing." He answered quickly.

"Are you lying to me?" He shook his head no. "Justin Randall Timberlake..." She came to a halt in front of him; her eyes searching his body. "You have a lot of nerve lying to me."

"It's nothing."

"If that were true, why do you refuse to show me what you have?" He still had the pie hidden behind his back. "Let me see it."

YONCÉ in LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now