Start from the beginning

"You're right. When the time is right. But..." He paused briefly. "If you're up to it, let me know. I'm still looking for an artist. Whether you be the first or doesn't matter. But I DO want you on my label, for sure."

"Okay. I'll definitely take up that offer but at the right time. I still wanna get that experience first. I'm gonna tour with Madonna after this and then maybe." He nodded understandingly.

Her ears slowly focused back in on the music playing from his laptop.

If you feel it
It must be real just
Say the word and
I'm gonna give you what you want

Time is waiting

We only got four minutes to save the world

"This is really nice. I like it."

"Thanks. She called me yesterday talking about the video concept. It's gonna be crazy but I'm excited about it." He threw his hoodie over his head, sitting back more comfortably in his seat. "I'm fucking tired."

Later on (Suite Inn and Lounge) - 4:00pm

"I'm uhhh..." Justin sat in a cab, glancing at a piece of paper with an address on it. He was supposed to meet Beyoncé at her house in a few minutes. A part of him was nervous to meet her mother. But the hard part was over and that was getting her father to accept him. "Stop here." He spoke to the driver. "I think I'm here." He had his cell phone glued to his ear as he looked up to gaze at a two-story house on his left. A familiar woman stepped outside moments later. "I see you." He quickly stepped out of the cab, handing the driver some money before walking towards the entrance of the house. "Hey!" He slid his phone in his jeans pocket.

"You're here. What took you so long?"

"I had a little problem back at the hotel." She embraced him in a hug. He shut his eyes, enjoying their little reunion. This always happened. Whether it was a day or two since they'd last seen one another. Whenever they reunited, it always felt like the first time.

She pulled back to peer in his eyes; her smile growing. "You ready?" He nodded yes. "I'm so glad you're here." He held her hand as they approached the front door. "So, where is your suitcase?"

"What?" He flashed her a baffled look. "I left it back at the hotel. Why?" She halted on the patio, turning to face him. His eyes searched her face, immediately coming to realization of what she meant. "You really don't think I was gonna stay here with you."

"And why not? My parents know we're dating."

"It's not traditional. I thought you said they were very traditional people." She held her head down, biting her lip in thought. "Bee..." He took a step closer to her. "You know it'll be a bad idea for me to sleep over." She slowly looked up to peer in his eyes. "You know that. The two of us being alone in the same room is a bad idea."

"Ahaha. I guess you have a point."

"I wouldn't feel right."

"I just...I missed you so much." She moved in closer, slowly trailing her hands up his chest. "I know it's only been since yesterday but I get so...weak. So tingly all over when I think about you." She leaned in, kissing him on the lips.

"Bee?" She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. He shut his eyes, sighing heavily. This wasn't good. Whenever she did this, it always made him feel some kind of way. He was so vulnerable when it came to her. "We should go inside." He suggested.

YONCÉ in LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now