
"You don't even have to explain. After all, she is your girlfriend so she comes first."

"Bee..." He paused, sighing heavily. "Please don't be mad at me. It wasn't planned. We were actually at a club which happens to be next to the restaurant. She asked to go inside and look around. What was I supposed to say? No. You can't see it. I took her inside and we ended up having a bite to eat."

"You promised you would take me. And this was wayyyy before you even opened up the place. You're taking everybody else but not me."

"Bee, I'm sorry. You're not gonna hold this against me, are you? You know it's not even like that. You're the first person I wanted to take. You got to see the restaurant before the opening. While it was under construction." He paused momentarily. "I'm gonna take you. As soon as I'm finished shooting this video...I'll come over and we can go together."

"I can't go now. I'm in Colorado right now trying to promote this album. Where are you?"

"New York. I wanted you to meet Cameron. I know you two would get along. She's really down to earth and she has a big comedic personality. I'm sure you'd love her."

"I could never love a woman who's screwing the love of my life."

"What?" There was a moment of silence between them. She just knew he was going to get upset and probably hang up on her. "You...am I? Am I really the love of your life?" She sighed in frustration.

"Yes." He paused once again, gathering up his thoughts. "You're the only guy I've ever fallen so hard for. There's just...that's not enough right now. There's so much going on. I really wanna be with you but..."

"That's the thing I don't get. I'm trying to understand but I can't."

"What are you having a hard time understanding?"

"You love me that much but you..." He hesitated. "You make me hook up with other women because you don't think we're ready? Ready for what? What the media is gonna say when they find out we're together? If that's the reason why you're fighting this then you're making a big mistake. I wanna be with you too. I know the reason why I'm waiting. I'm not ready for a committed relationship. But when I am, I will marry you. Like I said before."

"So you're basically having your fun right now? Alyssa...Jenna...Cameron...you're just having fun with them? Is that what you're saying to me?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. I won't hook up with you now with this kind of mentality. You think I wanna give your father the pleasure of proving how right he was? And not just that. I don't wanna hurt you. I love you. I know that for a fact. But is that enough?" She was thinking the same thing. Was love enough?

"You're right. It's not enough."

Six months later (July 10, 2007)

The biggest tour started in one day. ONE DAY.

The FutureSex/LoveSounds and B'Day Tour. The tour everyone had been waiting and anticipating on. They were sold out everywhere. The first stop was in Los Angeles, California. Justin and Cameron were still going strong and Beyoncé was off and on with Jay-Z.

Early the next morning on July 11, Beyoncé embarked for the world tour. She took the tour bus to San Diego and checked in at a hotel. "A maid comes in and cleans the room every morning around eight." The clerk spoke to her and her posse. "So try to leave before that." She added, handing her a room key. "Room service is twenty-four hours."

YONCÉ in LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now