Poem #1

154 13 2

So you want to know me,
well that's what you say
Let me tell you carefully, you don't
because all of this is just gray
No one understands me
my feeling and I
Everything you say to me
Is all just a lie
Things are said behind my back
and they think I don't know
It must be empathy you all lack
because I find out so
Then you want to make death jokes about me
Well look in the mirror
because when you stare really close
Your conscience is no clearer
And suicide fixes nothing
That's what I think about in bed
But then I sing myself to sleep
of how much violence goes through my head
But cutting myself
to me is the only choice
The only way to get my feelings out
The only way people hear my voice
So my best decision for you to do is just stay away
Keep your distance
It's just best to be this way
I say this to you one more time
So you want to know me,
well that's what you say
Let me tell you carefully, you don't
because all of this is just gray

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