Poem #53

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I got piercings to cope with my pain
To find a way to release the strain
Every needle that pierced my skin
Was a symbol of the hurt within

The first one was a simple stud
A small rebellion, misunderstood
But as the pain turned into pleasure
I knew this was my secret treasure

So I got another, and then one more
Each one a reminder of what I bore
The pain of my past, the scars that remain
But now adorned with beautiful chains

The metal rings and studs and bars
Were my armor, my battle scars
They showed the world that I was strong
Even though I felt so wrong

But as I looked in the mirror each day
I saw a warrior, not just a prey
I found strength in the pain I could control
And slowly, my broken pieces began to whole

My piercings became my therapy
A way to cope, a way to be free
No longer hiding behind a fake smile
I could embrace my pain, and own it for a while

So when people ask why I have so many
I simply smile and say, it's just my journey
Each piercing holds a story, a part of me
And I wouldn't change a thing, you see

For I got piercings to cope with my pain
And now they are a part of my name
A reminder of the battles I've won
And the strength that I have become.

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