Poem #75

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Pain management, a delicate art
For those who suffer, it's a necessary part
A constant battle, a never-ending fight
To ease the pain and make it right

For some, it's a physical pain
Aching muscles, joints that strain
A throbbing headache, a sharp sting
Pain that seems to never bring

But for others, it's a pain within
Emotional scars, hidden deep within
A broken heart, a shattered soul
Pain that takes a heavy toll

But pain management, it's not just pills
It's finding ways to cope and deal
With mindfulness and meditation
And seeking out a support foundation

It's learning to accept and adapt
To find a way to live with what we have
To not let pain consume our days
But find joy in the little ways

Sometimes, it's a journey of trial and error
Finding what works, what brings us closer
To a life with less pain, more peace
A chance for pain to finally cease

But pain management, it's not just for the hurt
It's for the loved ones, who witness the worst
For they too feel the pain, in their own way
And need support to make it through each day

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