Poem #59

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Once upon a time, you were my everything
I thought our love was true, and nothing could change
But then came the abuse, the hurt and the pain
And slowly, my heart began to drain

You took my trust and shattered it apart
Left me with scars, both physical and in my heart
I tried to leave, to break free from your grasp
But you always found a way to make me come back

But now, as I stand strong and free
I see you're begging for a second chance with me
You say you've changed, that you're a different woman
But I know better, I won't fall for your plan

For I've found someone who treats me right
Loves me for who I am, and not just for a night
She holds me close, wipes away my tears
And in her arms, I have no fears

You see, I've moved on, I've found true love
And I no longer need you to feel whole or enough
You may be self-loathing, realizing what you've lost
But it's too late, my heart has defrosted

I won't go back to the pain you caused
To the nights I cried and the love you paused
I am done with you, and all your lies
I've found happiness, and it's no surprise

So go ahead and wallow in your regret
But I won't let you back in, I won't forget
The scars you left, may never fully heal
But I've learned to love myself, and that's the real deal

I've found strength in the darkness you brought
And now I'm shining, with the love I've sought
I won't let you dim my light again
For I am finally free, from your toxic reign

So goodbye my ex, I'll no longer look back
For I've found love, and that's a fact
You may have wanted me back, but it's too late
My heart has moved on, and I'm in a better state.

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