Poem #68

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It's a feeling of emptiness, a sense of despair
When you realize that no one seems to care
You speak your words, but they fall on deaf ears
And suddenly, your presence just disappears

It's like standing in a crowded room
But no one looks, no one sees you
You try to reach out, to make a connection
But all you get is silence and rejection

It's a silent scream, a cry for attention
But no one hears, no one pays attention
You're left alone, with your thoughts and fears
As the world around you continues to disappear

You wonder what you did to deserve this fate
To be ignored, to feel so small and insignificant
You try to hide the pain, the hurt inside
But it's hard to mask when you're constantly denied

You start to doubt yourself, your worth and value
As the silence grows louder, you feel it consume you
You try to speak up, to make yourself known
But the silence remains, your words still unshown

Being ignored, it's a heavy weight to bear
It can make you feel invisible, like you're not even there
But remember, dear one, you are not alone
You are heard, you are seen, you are known

For even when the world turns a blind eye
There is someone out there who hears your cry
You are important, you matter, you are enough
Don't let being ignored make you feel less than tough

So stand tall, and speak your truth
Don't let anyone silence your voice, your youth
For being ignored may feel like a curse
But never forget, you are so much more than words.

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