Poem #58

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School has me stressed out,
My mind is in a constant doubt,
I fear of failing, it's always on my mind,
Leaving me restless, with thoughts unkind.

The pressure to excel, to be the best,
But sometimes I just need to rest,
My anxiety rises, my heart races,
As I try to keep up with all the paces.

The exams, the deadlines, the endless tests,
My mind is a battlefield, a constant mess,
I study hard, I put in my all,
But still, the fear of failure makes me feel small.

I see my classmates, so confident and sure,
While I struggle, feeling insecure,
Will I ever be good enough,
Or will I always feel this constant rough?

The expectations, the weight on my shoulders,
It's suffocating, it's taking over,
I wish I could just take a break,
But the fear of failure, I can't shake.

I know it's just a temporary phase,
But sometimes it feels like a never-ending maze,
I try to remind myself, it's just a test,
But the fear of failing, it won't let me rest.

But I refuse to let it consume me,
I'll fight it, I'll set myself free,
I'll do my best, and that's all I can do,
I won't let this fear dictate my view.

So I'll take a deep breath and push through,
Because I know deep down, I'll make it through,
School may have me stressed the fuck out,
But I won't let it make me doubt.

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