Poem #74

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I have emotions too, just like you,
But you chose to punish me, what did I do?
I feel joy, I feel pain,
But you never bothered to know my strain.

You see me smile, but can't you see,
The tears that hide behind my glee?
I have a heart, it beats with love,
But you treated me as if I was unloved.

You yelled, you screamed, you made me cry,
But all I wanted was for you to try,
To understand, to listen, to see,
The emotions that were consuming me.

I am human, with feelings deep,
But you chose to ignore, and instead, you reap,
The pain and hurt that you caused,
Leaving me broken, and my heart paused.

I longed for your love, your care, your touch,
But all I got was punishment, and that was too much,
I tried to please, to make you proud,
But all my efforts were buried in a shroud.

Now I stand here, with scars unseen,
For the punishment you gave, was too extreme,
I may have emotions, but you never knew,
For all you did was punish, without a clue.

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