Poem #65

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Every night I lay in bed
With a fear that fills me with dread
The thought of drifting off to sleep
Makes my heart begin to weep

For in my dreams, I am not free
From the terrors that haunt me
The monsters that lurk in the dark
And the shadows that leave their mark

I try to fight and stay awake
But exhaustion is hard to fake
My eyes grow heavy, my mind drifts away
And in my dreams, I am forced to stay

I toss and turn, in a state of fear
As the nightmares draw ever near
They whisper secrets in my ear
And fill me with a sense of sheer

I am trapped in this never-ending cycle
Of dreams that seem so hostile
I long for the sun to rise
And chase away the demons in disguise

But until then, I'm scared to close my eyes
For I know the nightmares will arise
So I stay awake and fight the night
Until the morning brings me light

I know that sleep is supposed to bring rest
But for me, it's just a constant test
Of my strength and my will to survive
The terrors that come when I close my eyes

So I'll stay awake, for as long as I can
And pray that one day, I'll understand
Why my mind is plagued with such dark dreams
And why I fear falling asleep, it seems.

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