Poem #50

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In the shadows, I wander alone
A fallen angel, with broken wings
My heart heavy, my spirit unknown
A rebel soul with untold things

I wear black, like a cloak of night
A symbol of my darkest pain
For I have fallen from grace's height
And now I roam in endless rain

Once I was a creature of light
With wings that shimmered in the sun
But now I'm banished from that sight
And my existence has come undone

I was cast out from the heavens above
For daring to question and defy
But I wear my black with pride and love
For it reflects the darkness inside

With every step, I carry my scars
A reminder of my tragic fall
But I am still an angel at heart
Though my wings no longer stand tall

I roam the earth, a solitary figure
A misunderstood being, an outcast
But I embrace my fallen nature
For it's what makes me unique and vast

In the depths of my black attire
Lies a soul that's been through it all
But I refuse to let my fire
Be extinguished by this cursed fall

So I'll continue to wear my black
As a symbol of my strength and might
For I am a fallen angel, but I'll never crack
I'll rise above the darkness and take flight.

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