Poem #44

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Death, a whisper in the wind
A silent visitor with a touch so cold
A journey that we must all embark
Leaving behind the stories untold

It comes for us without a warning
A thief in the night, it takes us away
Leaving behind our loved ones mourning
As we enter the unknown, where we'll stay

Some fear it, others embrace it
For it is the only certainty in life
But no matter how we try to escape it
Death will come, with its sharp, cold knife

It takes the young and the old
The rich, the poor, the weak, the strong
No one can escape its hold
For death, it will come along

It leaves us with questions unanswered
And aching hearts filled with pain
But in death, we are all gathered
As equals, with nothing to gain

Though death may seem like an end
It's just a beginning of a new chapter
A journey that we must all transcend
Leaving behind this world, our final capture

So let us live each day with purpose
For death, it can come at any time
Let's make the most of our existence
Before we hear death's final chime

For death, it may be feared by some
But it's just a natural part of life
So let's embrace it when it comes
And face it with courage, without strife

For in death, we find peace
And the troubles of this world cease
Leaving behind our earthly shell
As our souls rise and finally dwell.

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