Poem #93

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My sadistic smile as you slowly fade,
With every gasp your life I've trade,
No mercy for you, I take great pride,
In watching you suffer, as you try to hide.

Your pain is my pleasure, your agony my thrill,
I revel in every moment, as you slowly go still,
I relish your screams, your desperate cries,
As I watch the light fade from your eyes.

You beg for mercy, but I show no grace,
For I am the master of this torturous place,
I take delight in your suffering and pain,
And my sadistic smile is my only gain.

I look into your eyes, as death takes its toll,
And revel in the power I have over your soul,
Your body now lifeless, but the smile remains,
As I bask in the glory of your dying pains.

My sadistic smile, a reflection of my heart,
A darkness that consumes, tearing you apart,
But as you take your last breath, I cannot deny,
The rush I feel as I watch you slowly die.

For in that moment, I hold all the power,
And with my sadistic smile, I watch you cower,
Knowing that in your final moments, you were mine,
And my sadistic smile, forever an eternal sign.

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