Poem #56

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Will she love me for who I am?
For the secrets I hide,
For the wolf that resides within,
And the moon's changing tide.

The wolf, my other half,
Sharing this body with me,
Affects me on new and full moons,
A wild spirit, wild and free.

Will she see beyond the surface,
And love what lies within?
The scars and fears, the hidden truth,
Will she see and still begin?

To love me for my flaws,
For the darkness that I hold,
For the wildness that I cannot tame,
For the stories left untold.

Can she embrace the wolf,
That roams within my soul?
The untamed, primal instincts,
That sometimes lose control.

Will she love me for who I am,
When the moon calls out my name?
When the wolf takes over,
And I am not the same.

For he is a part of me,
A wild and untamed beast,
But with her love and understanding,
He can be at peace.

So I ask, will she love me,
For all that I am?
For the wolf and the secrets,
That make up who I am.

Only time will tell,
If she truly sees,
The beauty in my wildness,
And loves me unconditionally.

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