Poem #67

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As I grow older, I feel a fire within
A burning anger, a force I can't control
It simmers and seethes, waiting to begin
To take over my mind, devour my soul

I try to keep it at bay, to push it down
To not let it consume me, to not let it win
But as I grow older, it wears a crown
And I become a puppet, controlled by its sin

I used to be calm, a peaceful soul
But age has brought forth a different side
I try to resist, to keep it in control
But sometimes it's like a raging tide

I don't want to hurt anyone, that's not my aim
But this anger, it's like a beast unleashed
I try to hold it back, to not cause pain
But sometimes it's too strong, it cannot be ceased

I've learned to hide it, to keep it inside
To put on a smile, and pretend it's not there
But as I grow older, it's harder to hide
And it shows itself, in moments of despair

I wish I could turn back time, to when I was young
And this anger was just a distant dream
But now it's a part of me, like a toxic lung
And I struggle to keep it from bursting at the seams

So I'll keep fighting, as I grow older
To not let this anger consume my heart
I'll try to be kind, to be a peace holder
And pray that one day, it will depart.

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