Poem #61

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A life of sadness and pain
A never-ending cycle of strain
A weight on my chest, hard to bear
My mind consumed by despair

Days blend into nights
Tears blur my sight
No motivation, no drive
Just a constant feeling of being deprived

Every step feels like a mountain
My mind trapped in a dark fountain
Drowning in my own thoughts
As I struggle to connect the dots

A facade of a smile I put on
Hiding the pain, trying to be strong
But inside, I'm falling apart
As depression slowly takes over my heart

It's like a dark cloud that follows me
No escape, no chance to break free
It consumes every inch of my soul
Leaving me feeling empty and cold

The world feels like a lonely place
No one understands, no one can trace
The depths of my despair
As I struggle to breathe in this heavy air

I try to reach out, to seek help
But it seems like no one can hear my yelp
The stigma, the shame, it all weighs me down
As I sink deeper into this never-ending frown

But I won't give up, I'll keep fighting
For a glimmer of hope, a ray of lighting
For I know that I am not alone
In this battle with depression, I'll find my way home

So I'll hold on to the ones who care
And I'll keep reminding myself to be aware
Of the beauty that still exists in this world
Even when my mind is constantly swirled

And though my journey may seem never-ending
I know that I am slowly mending
For I am more than just my depression
I am a warrior, fighting with passion.

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