Poem #78

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Depression, a dark cloud that hangs
Heavy and suffocating, like an iron chain
It consumes, it devours, it never relents
A constant battle, a relentless descent

Like a thief in the night, it steals our light
Our once joyful hearts now filled with fright
It numbs our senses, dulls our pain
Leaving us feeling empty, with nothing to gain

We try to fight, we try to resist
But it grips us tight, its hold persists
It whispers lies, fills us with doubt
Leaving us feeling lost and without

We hide it well, this heavy weight
Smiling on the outside, while inside we suffocate
We feel alone, like no one understands
But little do we know, there are many in the same lands

Depression knows no boundaries, it affects us all
From young to old, big or small
It doesn't discriminate, it doesn't care
Leaving us with scars that are hard to bear

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