Poem #26

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A hue of two pinks, soft and merciful
Four leaves, each housing their own beauty
No stem attached, yet lives on its own
Full of eternal life and love

A symbol of hope when it seems like all is lost
Salty tears turn into freshwater
Blood turns into wine
And the room that was once full of negativity is filtered


It brings the start of a new generation
New hope, new beginnings
What once was a cold and dangerous winter is no more
This isn't the end, but only the beginning

Flying kites soar higher than before
See it as a leap of faith where there wasn't any
And a shining sun on a couple once full of darkness
They will experience the beauties that lie ahead

Follow the breeze to new heights
Embrace the hurricanes and rebuild
Follow the teachings of a single flower for it will spare
"We'll make it through today, tomorrow, and so on"

This isn't our end, but only our beginning

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