Poem #62

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Being an adult is hard,
A journey full of trials and tests,
Trying to mature and forgive,
Can feel like an endless quest.

We're expected to have it all together,
To handle life with grace,
But sometimes it feels like we're drowning,
In this never-ending race.

We're told to let go of our past,
To forgive and move on,
But the wounds are deep and the scars remain,
And the pain just lingers on.

We try to be strong and resilient,
But sometimes it's just too much,
We long for the carefree days of youth,
When life was not so tough.

We're faced with tough decisions,
And responsibilities galore,
Trying to balance it all,
Can leave us feeling unsure.

We're expected to have all the answers,
To know exactly what to do,
But the truth is, we're still learning,
Just like everyone else too.

We strive to be the best versions of ourselves,
To grow and evolve each day,
But sometimes it feels like we're falling behind,
In this fast-paced world, we're swept away.

But amidst the struggles and the chaos,
We find moments of pure bliss,
Where we can let go of our worries,
And just enjoy the simple things in this.

So let's give ourselves some grace,
And embrace our imperfections,
For being an adult is hard,
But we're making progress in the right direction.

And as we continue on this journey,
Of maturing and learning to forgive,
May we find strength in our struggles,
And the courage to truly live.

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