Poem #39

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Depression, a deep and dark sea
Consuming me, engulfing me
The weight on my chest, heavy and cold
A never-ending battle, difficult to hold

It creeps in like a thief in the night
Stealing my joy, suffocating my light
Leaving me with a hollow heart
Tearing me apart, tearing me apart

It whispers lies into my ear
Filling my mind with doubt and fear
A constant companion, always near
But oh, how I wish it would disappear

It's a fog that clouds my every thought
A heavy blanket, in which I am caught
I try to escape, but it holds me tight
Suffocating, draining, my will to fight

Days blend into nights, time stands still
Lost in this darkness, I've forgotten how to feel
The world keeps moving, but I'm stuck in place
Trapped in this never-ending race

But I hold on to a glimmer of hope
A flicker of light, a way to cope
For though depression may try to consume
I won't let it win, I'll break free soon

So I'll keep fighting, with all my might
For there's still a chance, for me to see the light
And though it may seem like an endless fight
I'll keep holding on, to my will to survive.

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