Poem #43

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I feel alone in this world so wide,
With nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
The darkness surrounds me, seeping in,
My heart heavy with sorrow and sin.

I walk the streets, but no one sees,
The tears that fall, the pain that flees.
I put on a smile, a mask to hide,
The emptiness I feel inside.

I reach out for a friendly hand,
But all I feel is empty land.
No one to hold, no one to care,
I am alone, beyond repair.

The days go by, the nights grow long,
My heartache echoes like a sad song.
I try to fill the void with noise,
But it only amplifies the emptiness, the void.

I long for someone to understand,
For a kindred soul to take my hand.
But in this world, I am just a face,
Lost in the crowd, without a trace.

I feel alone, but I am not alone,
For there are others who feel this tone.
Together we stand, in solidarity,
Hoping to find some clarity.

And though the darkness may never fade,
I find solace in the connections we've made.
I am not alone, for we are one,
In this journey of feeling alone.

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