Poem #79

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The mind is filled with constant whispers
Whispers of doubt and self-hate
A never-ending battle that blisters
And leaves behind an empty plate

Starving for perfection, a never-ending chase
Every meal is a battlefield, a war within
Counting every calorie, with a desperate face
A life consumed by the fear of being thin

The mirror becomes a foe, a constant reminder
Of the ugly truth, the distorted reflection
A never-ending cycle, a cruel reminder
Of a constant battle with no direction

The mind becomes a prisoner, trapped in a cage
Restricting food, depriving the body of love
Clinging to control, in a never-ending rage
But the cost is high, a price too steep to shove

Bones protrude, skin clings to bone
A skeletal frame, a mere ghost of a person
But the mind doesn't see, it's completely unknown
Lost in the chaos, trapped in a worsened version

Family and friends try to intervene
But the mind is strong, stubborn and blind
They don't understand, they cannot glean
The monster within, the disorder that binds

The battle rages on, each day a new fight
Between the mind and the body, a constant struggle
Until one day, the body gives in to the plight
The mind has won, with the body left to juggle

But the victory is short-lived, for the mind is weak
Tired and worn out from the battle within
And in its defeat, it can finally seek
Help and healing, a chance to begin

Recovery is a journey, long and tough
But with each step forward, the mind grows stronger
No longer consumed by the never-ending rough
Finally finding peace, and living longer

So let us raise awareness, let us break the silence
Eating disorders are not a choice, but a disease
Let us offer love and support, not defiance
For those fighting this battle, let's offer peace.

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