Chapter 28

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(Katie's POV)

Dear Jack, 

Thank you for my wonderful trip to Paris. It was truly the best night of my life. I'm sorry I had to leave so soon, but I guess I'll see you later 

XXX Katie Ray 

I like Jack Gilinsky, the words repeat in my head as I step into the cab that morning. My original plan was to head back to the house and avoid Nash for the next two weeks but, when I stepped into the cab my whole plan changed. 

"Take me to the nearest airport," I say pulling out my phone to buy a plane ticket. The more I realized that I like Jack the more I knew that I couldn't stay. I couldn't stay in that house with him and with Nash and all of them. I had to get away. 

(Hayes POV)

"Where is she!" Shawn screamed as he pinned Gilinsky against the wall.

"Who?" G shouts back. 

"Katie Ray don't play dumb neither of you came last night where is she?" Shawn screams. 

"She's not here?" G's face drops as his voice softens. Suddenly my phone starts going crazy as Katie's caller ID flashes across my screen. 

"Hayes," her fragile voice was shaky through the phone. 

"Katie!" I exclaim making all eyes turn to me. "Are you okay?" I ask scared half to death.

"Um... Yeah," she responds in an airy voice. 

"Where are you?" I ask trying to keep my cool. 

"Are you alone?" She asks completely dodging my question.

"Katie where are you?"I ask again not sure if I want to hear the answer.

"At the airport," her voice croaks through the phone. 

"Why?" My voice says barely audible. 

"I couldn't stay," her voice drops for a moment. "It's not Nash, I wouldn't give him the pleasure of getting to me. I left for me, tell Shawn I couldn't do it anymore, tell him it was my choice, tell him it's my choice and that someday I promise I'll be back," her voice stops so all I could hear was her breathing. "Bye Hayes," the line went dead before I could respond. Her breathing was gone, the sound of her voice was no more and the worst part of it was that I knew she wasn't coming back the emptiness in her was strong and heavy. I suddenly snap out of my daze to find every guy in the room looking at me. 

"She said she loves you," I say turning to Shawn as the tears almost fall from my wet eyes. "It's not you," I turn to Nash. "She said she wouldn't give you the pleasure of getting to her," I laugh seeing her stubborn face in the back of my mind. "She really hates you, not for what you did but, how you did it," I say thinking back on our conversation. "She said she'd be back for you, but I don't think she meant it," I say the sound of her voice ringing in my ears. 

"What about me?" G asks looking like killed his dog. 

"Is there something she should have said?" I ask looking at G, something happened last night she wouldn't have left for no reason, I loved her and I know she loved us. G stares at me for what seems like hours. 

"Fuck you," he says barging past me and slamming the door to his room so hard it shook the house. Every eye in the room was left on me as I glance around I see Tayor almost crying as Shawn stared at the floor as if trying to wake up from a nightmare because the sound of breaking glass turns all eyes to Nash who was now chucking his second lamp across the room into a wall which had been previously dented by the first lamp. 

"Shit," Cam muttered as Nash drops to the ground crying. 

"I'm in love with her," he whispers as he sinks his head into hands. 

(Katie's POV)

"Babe I missed you way too much," Liam says warming me with his hug. 

"Babe I'm so glad I'm back I missed you so much more," I saw quite loudly causing many people to look and stare. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket seeing Jack's caller ID flash across my screen made my heart pick up speed. Then it stops the blood rushes from my head and my mind spins at a million miles an hour as I swipe the screen. 

"Katie," his voice screams through the phone, 

"Is Shawn with you," I ask trying not to acknowledge the way his voice makes my breath hitch in my neck and it gets hard to breathe.

"Katie, can you hear me?" He asks disregarding my question which pissed me off.

"Give the phone to Shawn or I hang up," I say with no weigh in my voice. After a long pause, I hear Shawn's voice on the other end. 

"Katie?" He asks sounding out of breath. 

"I want you to know that I'm okay," I say knowing if I stay on the line for too long I'll miss them. 

"Katie are you hearing yourself," he asks his voice quiet as if he doesn't believe I would leave him. 

"Take care of yourself Shawnie, I love you don't forget it," I say with a long breath before cutting the line. I'm done now with all of them, I thought to myself before getting in the back of Stella's car before Stella slams on the gas yelling "Let's go bitches," Cause me to realize this is where I belong, with them. 

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