Chapter Forty - Happy New Year's

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Chapter Forty - Happy New Year's


"Adam, I am so sorry," Amy said, sitting across from us in the living room.

Amy and Jennifer sat near the windows in a love seat while Tony and sat in a matching seat near the stairs. Tony was fuming with anger, Jennifer was going through the pictures and video she took of us, and Amy was apologizing like her life depended on. I was sitting next to Tony completely defeated and dead inside.

"I'm not sorry that was hot as fuck," Jennifer said, she turned her phone around showing a red faced me being pinned up against the wall by Tony with his mouth on my neck. I flushed red.

"Jennifer!" Amy snapped disapprovingly. 

"Delete it!" Tony snapped, placing his hand on my thigh. He slowly rubbing it as his hand went up and down. It wasn't in a sexual way but comforting and it did really help.

"How about this," Jennifer started with a smirk on her face. "I send you these lovely pictures and videos and you let me keep them in exchange."

Tony's face hardened, but he said nothing concerned me more. 

"How about a preview of the product?" Jennifer said, sliding the screen and pressing the little play button. My voice erupted loud and clear as if I, myself, were making those noises in the room at that very moment. My face flushed red as everyone went quiet to listen and watch as I squirmed under Tony, red faced, and a complete moaning mess. Tony's hand on my thigh gave a hard grip before he removed it.

"Tony, don't--"

"Deal," he said, standing up and walking over to them. He shoved himself in the little space between Jennifer and the arm rest, taking her phone. "You have really good mic and camera quality," he commented as if he wasn't watching a video that was practically pron in which I was the star.

"I do not approve!" I yelled, standing up and trying to look seriously angry than just plainly flustered. I doubt it was working in any sense.

"You weren't asked to approve so I don't see how it matters anyway," Tony said, flipping thorough Jennifer's phone. "How many pictures did you-- I did not need to see that!" Tony dramatically yelled pretty much throwing the phone at her as if it were a hot potato in his hands. 

"What? It's just two men in the passionate moments of love making," Jennifer smiled, typing away on her phone. 

"That's disgusting!" He sneered. "Why do you just have that in your phone?" 

"Dude, you're gay, isn't this what you're supposed to be into?" Jennifer glared at Tony. "And don't just rip on me because I'm a fujoshi."

"I don't like guys, I like Adam. Those fuckers are hairy, ugly, and chubby. Adam is fit, cute, and sexy there is an obvious difference."

"Oh, so you're only gay for Adam, how cute. Did you hear that, Adam? He's only homotastic for you," Jennifer joked. 

I just sighed, sitting down and laying down on the love seat. "I give up."

"They're just messing with you Adam," Amy said which gave me no solace at all. 

"How would you feel if Jennifer had videos of you like that with someone," I growled.

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