Chapter Eighteen - School, Oh School

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Chapter Eighteen - School, Oh School


Around six thirty I realized Tony wasn't in the room. I took the chance to get dressed and ready for school. Even without sleep I felt wide awake and ready to crush the day under my foot like a bug.

So yeah, I felt good.

I hopped down the stairs and quickly ran to the kitchen, making sure there wasn't a psychotic bat welting whore in the room before walking in.

She wasn't there, so I went in and raided the fridge.

"Who was in our room last night?" Tony's voice came from behind me, making me jump and drop an orange I was holding.

I turned on my heels, only to come face to chest with Tony. "What are you talking about?" I asked, giving purely bullshit confusion.

"I'm not deaf or blind, I heard to talking to someone last night. It might of been dark but could still see your shadows because of the moon light," he glared at me, his arms on either side of me.

"You sure you weren't imagining things? We both know you're a little slow Tony," I smirked.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine you crying while being consoled that whatever wasn't your fault," he growled.

"God, why are you so angry all the time? I think you need some serious help with that," I said, trying to push his arm out of the way.

"I think you serious need to tell me before I tell your mom you had a guy over," he threatened.

"You wouldn't," I sneered.

"Oh yes I would," he smirked, leaning in.

I glared at him, an idea forming in my head. "Then you would be accessory to murder."

Since he was threatening my life with my mom, I did what any terrified citizen would do, I kneed him in his mouse sized balls.

"Fuck!" Tony yelled, falling to his knees with a pained expression on his face. I kicked him in the shoulder, knocking him over completely. "I'm going to kill you!" he yelled his hands between his legs.

I stepped over him, closed the fridge and grabbed my orange off the floor. "End of the line then, a lot of people waiting to do that. And, by the way things look now, you won't be doing much but holding your man-gina for a while."

"Adam! I swear to god--" he started as I began to walk out of the room.

"Don't say the lord's name in vein, never know when he'll shove a rainbow right in ya," I laughed, walking out of the room while he yelled at me.

I left, knowing Tony would probably be on his feet and ready to beat me to death. It was only seven, but being about thirty minutes early was the new on time.

The pro of getting early was getting a parking space near the doors. The cons, you're at school longer than you're forced to willingly.

Its like being offered parol and deciding to stay in jail with big daddy for five more years.

Like dropping the soap, only big daddy is a proof in geometry.

I walked in the school, immediately running into a human wall. It was Kevin.

"Kevin!" I yelled, holding my hands up while doing jazz hands.

He glared at me, like an angry glare instead of a nature glare. I was terrified, as well as ready to fight.

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