Without Our Time { part one } ( AU ) | Peter Parker { TH }

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category:  alternate universe—soulmates
warnings: mature language / content
third person
word count: 1114

Was love hard to find, or was it the simple fact that no one could love you? Day after day, you went through life without someone loving you. Everyone had their soulmate. Why was it so hard and time-consuming to find yours? It's either a significant mark on the that resembles their true loved one. Blindness could only be vanished with seeing their loved one for the first time. Numbers that pronounced the time in which it would take to meet lovers first.

But you had neither. Nothing that showed you when you would meet your loved one. You were hopeless, but it wasn't going to stop you from living your life.

A soulmate is a person with whom you have an immediate connection. The moment you meet - a bond so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. Then, as this connection develops over time, you share a love so deep, intense and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. You just haven't met you're yet but in due time.

You had a routine; every day, you would make your way down to a small coffee shop. You would always feel safe when the warm air hit you, along with the smell of coffee beans and pastries. But It's no clue as to why you didn't feel safe in Queens. It wasn't the safest place on earth, but the only place that you called home. However, you're supposed to touch your safest at home, and you couldn't. You felt that nothing in this world could make you feel safe.

Living on your own didn't help either. If at all, it made matters worse. Nothing could be more disappointing than coming home to an empty place. Not even a pet to assure you comfort. Nothing but an open, lifeless place that you called home. This is why I would suggest you called the coffee shop home. You felt so secure.

When you came upon the coffee shop doors, you had opened them and were greeted with the warmth and wonderful smell that you so loved. "Hello ____, the usual?" The cashier asked as you walked up towards the counter. "You know me so well." You said with a smile as you looked down and reached into your pocket to grabbed your money. A voice stopped you before you could. "It's on the house." You looked back up with a confused look. "Are you sure?" They handed you the cup, "I insist." You grabbed the cup, "Thank you." You went on to find a seat near the window where you could see the finest of Queens.

You watched as a loving couple passed by the window hand in hand, laughing at whatever was said. Then, finally, you sighed and looked down at the cup that was in your hand. You had stayed in the shop long enough, and it was time for you to go. "Have a good day ____." The cashier called out. "Same to you." You said as you walked through the doors and out to the cold chilled air. You knew that you shouldn't travel in the outdoors at night, so you did all of your work during the day trying to make it home safely.

Making your way downtown walking fast, trying to get through the crowds of people covering the sidewalks. Something didn't settle right with you; something felt off. Trying not to put too much thought into it, you kept waking the busy streets trying to get home. Then all of a sudden, you heard loud screaming. Your head snapped towards the direction it was coming from and saw a woman lying on her back struggling for air while her lover kneeled before her crying.

You felt the need to help. Rushing towards the couple, throwing the cup you had once in your hands in the trash. You knelt beside the broken-hearted man. The man looked from his lover and towards you. "Help, can you help?" He cried out loud. You quickly took off your coat, wrapping it around her abdomen applying pressure towards her wound. "I need you to call 9-1-1." You said as you kept your hand on her stomach. The scared man quickly shook his head, pulling out his phone to dial the numbers.

You looked towards the man but quickly put your attention back on the woman. "Everything is going to be fine; we just need a little more time before they get here." You said towards the lady. You had not noticed the sirens that were going on around you until someone came from behind you. Moving you out of the way, you were so focused on the EMT getting the woman in the ambulance that you didn't notice what else was happening around you.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Someone yelled, making you move your head in the direction it was coming from. But by the time you saw it, it was too late.

You felt something knock the air from your lungs, sending you soaring in the air a few feet. You slammed into a building, making you groan in pain. Your vision blurred as you tried to open your eyes. "Are you okay?!" A voice called out. You couldn't even speak because you were in so much pain. "Shit." The voice whispered. As you opened and closed your eyes once more, you saw a masked covered face with white eyes as big as golf balls and a face as red as a crayon. "AHHH!" You cried as you tried to move.

"UHHH...Don't move. I'm going to help you." You couldn't even move a single muscle in your body. You suddenly felt a pair of arms around your body. You felt safe for once in your life. It was weird, weird to feel so secure in a stranger's arms that you do not know of. "I need you to stay awake." The voice was slowly but surely becoming smaller. You looked up towards the face and soon realized that you were now somehow in the air.

The wind knocked against your face making you feel at ease. The masked faced looked back down at you and saw you close your eyes. "No, no, no.......stay awake." The more you tried to fight it, the harder it was to stay awake, your eyes slowly closed. But, no matter what else goes wrong around you, you knew that you were safe, and there wasn't a place that you would rather be than here.

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