Am I Wrong { part one } | Peter Parker { TH }

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warnings: mature language / content
third person
word count: 1095

Being Tony Starks assistant had its ups and downs. First, of course, you would always be running to places to get things situated for parties, press conferences, or anything else. But today was different than any other day.

You were in your office fixing files on your desk, but for some odd reason, you felt eyes on you. You looked up and saw a little boy with dark brown hair starring at you.

"Who is that?" You asked yourself

Ignoring it, you went back to work. But you couldn't because he kept starring at you and you were getting irritated. So finally, you got up and went to ask the little boy where he was supposed to be.

"Excuse me?" You said


"What are you doing here, and where are you suppose to be?"

"H-happy told me to stand r-right here and that he'll be right back."

"Umm.......are you here for the internship?"


"Come to my office, and I'll give Tony a call. Okay?"

He nodded his head and followed you back to your office. You sat down in your seat and told him he could have a seat also. Dialing Tony's number, you were becoming frustrated because this was distracting you from your work.

"Yes, my sweet ____."

"Did you hire anyone new today?"

"What? No? Why?"

"There's this little boy here, and he looks lost. He told me happy told him to stand in front of my office and that he'll be right back."

"Oh! You're talking about Peter Parker.

"Oh wow! I really don't care. Could you just come and get him so I can go back to work, Tony."

You hung up on him before he could say anything else. Then, finally, you sighed and put your hand over your face.

"I-I'm sorry for staring at you."

You took your hand off of your face and looked at him.

He is adorable with his big brown doughy eyes and his-what in the hell am I talking about. ____ you're 18, and he's probably 12. Am I wrong for thinking he's cute, he's younger than me?

"It's okay........... How old are you?"

"I'm sev-"

"Okay, Mr. Parker, are you ready."

You were kind of mad that Tony had interrupted our conversation, but then again, You had asked him if he could come to get him, so you really couldn't get mad.

You got back to work and kept thinking about him. You knew that you shouldn't think about him because you were 18 and he was.......well he was younger than you, and you don't like to see yourself with a younger person.

"Ugh! I need some coffee."

You got up, not really looking at your surroundings, which is not really good because if you are working for Tony Stark, you should always look at your surroundings. You were thinking about what you did this morning and realized that you haven't had your morning coffee.

Walking into the tiny kitchen, you went straight into the cabinet to grab your favorite mug, but it wasn't there.

"What in the hell?" You said to yourself

You stood there for a second to think maybe someone moved it because they were trying to find something else, so you went to go look for it again, but it still wasn't there, and now you were pissed.

"Okay, so who in the hell touched my mug that I specially told no one to touch? It even had a little label on there that said ____!?"

"O-oh, sorry, Is this your mug?"

You turned around and saw Peter Parker holding your mug. When you looked at him, you knew that you wouldn't and couldn't be mad at him anymore. He was just too cute to be angry at.

"Y-yeah, but it's okay."

"I-I just t-thought that it was for me since it had spider webs."

"What? What does that even have to do with you?"

"Oh, so you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"I'm...I'm Spider-Man."

You couldn't believe what you just heard. But then, finally, one of your most favorite superheroes was right in front of you. Of course, you knew that you really shouldn't be shocked since you have seen Captain America, Hulk, and etc. But you have seen them more than once, and this is the first time you have seen Spider-Man, just not in the suit.

"R-really!?! You are like one of my most favorite superheroes."


You thought it was so cute that he blushed when you had complimented him.

"You can keep the cup. Sorry that I went off on you."

"No, I-It's okay. I should have asked who cup it was before I took it."

It was an awkward silence, but you had broken it, saying that you had to go back to work.

"Well.....I have to go."


You turned around, walking from the kitchen, forgetting why You were there in the first place because of what happened.

"E-excuse me."

You turned around, assuming he was talking to you.


"What's your name?"

"Oh, it's ____."

"Do you work here every day?"

"Um, yeah, I do...why?"

"Good that means-"

"Parker, it's time to." Said happy as he walked into the kitchen

" he have your favorite cup?"

"It's okay. I told him that he could have it."

"Really? But when I asked to use it because there were no other cups and I was thirsty, I couldn't use it?"

" aren't that special to me."

"What's so special about him."

He looked at me, then at him.

"You know what, don't answer that... let's go, Parker."

He walked out of the room, leaving Peter and me alone.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"I guess I will, Mr.Parker."

He walked out of the room, and I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I am so wrong. This is so wrong, but am I awful?

"Peter, let's go before your Aunt May catch a case."

"Oh, right."

We got into the car, and he happily asked me a question.

"What's going on with you and ____."

"N-nothing, I just met her today."

"Oh really? What do you think about her."

"She's stunning. I mean from head to toe, perfection."

"Yeah, right.....Kid, I have to tell you this. No one, no one has gotten with ____, so what makes you think that you could get with her, especially since you're a youngster."

"Oh, I have my ways happy."

"Yeah, sure you do."

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