All The Stars { part two } | Peter Parker { TH } & Avengers

776 26 4

warnings: mature language / content
third person
word count: 1512

You rushed back to your room and slammed the door behind you. You knew what was going on in your home country, and it just dawned on you all of the bad that could happen. All you wanted to do is be home with your family.

You felt your chest becoming tight as you rested against the door. Your face hot, and your eyes swelling with tears. You're in a place where people know nothing of you, and you don't know anything of them.

"Should I call Wanda for you ____?"

The voice scared you out of your breakdown, having you look around frantically.

"W-who are you?"

"I'm F.R.I.D.A.Y. Should I make the call?"

You slid down to the ground, sliding away from the door. Your heart rate slowed down, and your crying began to stop.

"I don't think that's necessary. I don't want to be more of a burden than I'm already am."

"I don't think you're a burden. I think you're the most interesting person that has walked through those doors."

"Really? I have no powers. Nothing special about me. I'm a nobody."

There was a knock at the door that interrupted the conversation.

"H-hey ____. Are you okay?"

You looked at the door confusingly. You really didn't know anyone's voice other than Wanda's.

"Ummm...I'm fine."

"I-it's Peter, by the way. Just in case you didn't know who you were talking to."

There was a silence between the two of you, leaving you thinking. If you should let him in or not.

"I-I'll just leave you alone...I'm sorry for bothering you."

You made a quick decision and opened the door.


You called out his name. He was already further down the hallway then you thought. He quickly turned around and looked at you questionably.


"You could come in if you want. Just to keep me company?"

You didn't know where this boldness came from, but you didn't want it to go away.

"Uhhh...Y-yeah, sure."

He made it to your room, and you closed the door behind him.

"You can take a seat if you like."

He took a seat in a chair near the bed, and you took a seat on your bed.

"I-I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I didn't mean to." He looked up at you, and you looked at him, which made him quickly look away.

"You didn't make me too uncomfortable, although you were staring at me pretty hard." You said with a bit of a laugh.

"Sorry." He said with a bit of laugh also.

"So, how did you meet the Earth's mightiest heroes?"

"Oh well, Tony found me. I was in denial the whole time when he was trying to see if I was Spider-Man or not, but that didn't work."

"I can see why." You whispered.


"Is that was you call yourself? Spider-Man?"

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