Normal Girl { part four } | Peter Parker { TH }

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warnings: mature language / content
third person
word count: 1295

"We all need to talk to ____," Steve said as he put the newspaper that he was reading down on the kitchen table. It's been a whole week, and you still haven't talked to them yet. Tony walked over towards the coffee machine to pour him a cup. "Yeah - no, you can go talk to her spangles, but I did the most damage here, and I don't think she wants to talk to me," Tony stated as he turned around, leaning on the kitchen counter. Steve shook his head and looked over at Bruce. "Banner, what about you," Steve asked. He slowly shook his head. Yes, seemed like he had put some thought into it.

"Alright, Banner and I are going to go up there, and anyone else that changes their mind can come too," Steve stated as he got up and started walking towards your room. You were currently lying in your bed with Peter, and the both of you cuddle up watching a movie. "____ Steve, Banner, and Barnes are approaching, "FRIDAY stated. Your eyes went wide, and you quickly hopped off of Peter and got off of the bed.

"Go hide." You whispered. He also got off of the bed. "Where am I going to hide?!" He asked worriedly. "go in the closet, don't worry about your stuff. I got it." You said as you quickly grabbed his belongings and stuffed them under the bed. He was just about to go in the closet when he grabbed your arm. "Wait!" He said. You turned around and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "What?!" You asked. "Your neck!" He stated. "What's wrong with my-" You turned to look in the mirror and saw that you had purple marks going up your neck. "PETER!" You said to him, and all he did was a smirk.

"What?" He said, trying to act all innocent. You rolled your eyes and pushed him into the closet. "Don't come out until I say you can." You said to him as you closed the door and quickly looked around for a hoody to put on. "____." Steve said as he knocked on your door. "Can we come in....we just want to talk," Steve stated. You made sure you looked okay before opening the door. "Hey, guys." You tried to act calm, but deep down, you knew you weren't. "Are you okay?" Bucky asked. "Yeah, you look a little flustered," Steve said.

"Yeah, I'm fine I - Uhh, I was just doing some push-ups." You said. They all eyed you suspiciously." You all can come in." You said as you moved to the side to let them in. "Listen ____ we just wanted to say sorry about what happened. We never meant for that to happen, and we love you like family; you're not just some science experiment. We just want you to talk to us again." Banner said. You shook your head in an understanding manner. "I think I had overreacted, and I know that you guys meant no harm; I'm over it now." You said with a smile.

"Over it like you're no longer mad?" Bucky said with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, so you guys can go enjoy your day; I'm fine." You said. You were trying to rush them out so you and Peter could get back to what the both of you were doing. "Are you okay?" Steve asked. "Yeah, you seem a little off," Buck stated. "I'm cool guys, I just want to lay and chill." You said acting cool. There was another knock at your door, so you went to go answer it, and it was the rest of the team. "Great." You mumbled. You moved aside to let them in and closed the door.

"Listen, kid, I meant no harm. Just was trying to protect you." Tony said. You shook your head."Yeah, I know, they came in here and just said that. So you all could just go, you know. It's a lot of you in here, and I'm sure you guys wanted to leave." You stated as you tried to push them out. "WHOA! WHOA! Kid, what's the problem. Why are you trying to kick us out?" Tony asked. "____ are you hiding something?" Natasha asked. Wanda looked at you and smirked. You looked at her side-eyed and shook your head, telling her to not say anything.

"Guys, I think we should go; ____ needs her time alone," Wanda said. "We just came up here to apologize; what's the rush?" Clint asked. You yawned and act like you were tired. "I'm just exhausted, guys. I need to get some rest." So you started as you faked, yawned, and put your hand over your mouth. Then, you heard something fall in your closet and everyone heads whipped around towards your wardrobe. "What was that?" Sam asked. Bucky started to walk towards your closet, but you quickly went in front of him. "It's probably just my - Uhhh, my shoes. They fell from the shelf." You explained.

"Ow! Shit!" You heard Peter cry in pain. "Who was that?" Natasha asked. "I don't hear no one? I think you guys are going a little crazy." You stated with a bit of laugh. "Yeah - No, I may not get a lot of sleep, but I know when there's someone you're hiding in your closet," Tony said. All of the moving you did had shifted your hoody, making the purple marks appear. "WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR NECK ____?!" Thor yelled. You looked at him confusingly. "What are you talking about -" You quickly shut your mouth and tried to cover it up but couldn't.

"Are those hickeys ____?"  Natasha's asked. "Hickeys?... What are hickeys?" Steve asked cluelessly. "It's when someone bites and sucks on your neck; it's like love bites," Bucky said. "Wow, spangles, he knows you don't," Tony said as he crossed his arms. "Wasn't really fond of those kinds of things," Steve mumbled. "When did the two of you started dating?" Natasha asked. "DATING!?" Clint said. "Who are you dating?" Steve asked. "Dating? I-I'm not dating anyone." You spoke with a laugh. "Explain to the hickeys then, kid, because I know them when I see them," Tony said. "I - uhh-" Tony cut you off. "You know what, FRIDAY, who is in the closet," Tony said. "NO ONE IS IN THE CLOSET!" You yelled. Everyone now turned to you. "I bet there is," Clint mumbled.

You forgot Sam was in there, and he was the closest to the closet and opened to reveal Peter standing uncomfortable with stuff on top of him. "H-Hey," Peter mumbled. " again," Tony said. "Spider-Boy?" Clint said. "I-It's Spider-Man," Peter muttered. "Don't care," Clint stated. "Well........You guys can leave now since you found out." You said as you fiddle with your fingers. "You know what? I'm not even mad." Tony said. You looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "You're not?" You asked. "Nope...Just use protection." He started making you and Peter blush. "Yup, it's time for you all to leave." You said as you pushed them towards the door. "So you two fondu?" Steve asked from our side of the door. You sighed and shook your head.

"No, Steve." You said as you rubbed your head. "Okay, see you all later." You said as you closed the door in their faces. You put your body against the door and let out a deep breath. Peter walked up to you and put his hands around your waist. "That didn't go so bad." He said. You looked at him and smiled. "Nope, not at all." You said as you pecked his lips.

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