Normal Girl { part three } | Peter Parker { TH }

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warnings: mature language / content
third person
word count: 2299

Tony and Peter were coming from your room, and the Avengers were now looking confused.

"Why Is Spider-Boy coming from ____'s room?" Clint asked.

"It's S-Spider-Man." Peter stuttered.

"Not the point, Spider-Boy, anyways, what's going on?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, what's with all of the fuss?" Sam asked.

"I believe ____ is crying." Vision stated.

"M-Mr Stark, I-I'm just going to leave," Peter said as he slowly walked away.

"Whatever, kid," Tony mumbled as he went towards his bar to pour him a glass of scotch. Everyone looked at Tony, confused.

"I heard ____ cryings," Thor stated as he walked in. Wanda, Bruce, and Steve kept quiet. Natasha looked at the three of them.

"Is there something the three of you are not telling us?" Natasha questioned as she looked at the three of them.

"Steve," Natasha said.

"What happened?" She questioned him. He quickly put his hands up in a defensive state.

"I have no right to saying other people's business. If you want to know what's going on, go ask her." He said. Natasha sighed, annoyed, and walked towards your room.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked Natasha as he put his glass on the table.

"Something that you should have done." She mumbled.

You were on your bed, not crying anymore since you cried your last tear a little while ago, thinking about your life. You just wished you were a normal girl, but you were everything but ordinary.

"Ms. Romanoff is approaching," FRIDAY said. You rolled your eyes and stayed put on your bed.

"Oh, so now you want to warn me when someone coming but couldn't warn me when Tony was coming." You mumbled.

"____!.......____OPEN UP!" Natasha said as she knocked on your door. You sighed and turned your head, so it was facing the door.

"Can you open up the door FRIDAY?" You asked.

"Yes, Ms. ____." The A.I. said as the door opened. Natasha came into the room with a concerned look.

"What wrong?" She asked you as she walked towards your bed. You know when you're sad, but you try to get over it. But when someone asks you what's wrong, you're miserable all over again, crying all over the place. So yeah, that was you.

"Nat I-I.......I didn't mean to yell at him and make him upset." You cried. She quickly sat beside you and hugged you. She let go of you and put her hands on your face wiping the tears that fell from your eyes.

"Tell me what happened?" She stated more than asked. You took in a deep breath and sighed.

"You remember when I 'ran away." You mumbled slowly. Nat shook her head, letting you know that she was listening.

"Well, I met Spider-Man, and h-he helped me from someone-"

"From who?" She asked as she raised her eyebrow in confusion. You started to look everywhere but at her.

"I-It was nothing, Nat, seriously." You mumbled. She crossed her arm and stared at you intensively.

"There's something you're not saying ____. We only try to protect you at all costs ____ and you need to know that.......Now tell me what happened while you were out." She said. Your lips trembled as you began to talk.

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