"Well I definitely didn't do it by myself, that's for sure. Besides Harry, none of the boys were much help because the only thing they could suggest were nude beaches and skinny dipping." Niall laughed. I rolled my eyes at the immaturity of the boys I called my (friends) I paused when a disturbing thought crossed my mind.

"Wait even Liam was in on the immature suggestions?" I asked, a shiver of discomfort went through my body and my lips went sour.

"Yeah those kinds of suggestions from him stopped soon after he realized he was insinuating those things with his younger sister." His eyes widened at the sudden remembrance and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"You mentioned Harry lending some help?" I inquired, trying to change the subject the best I could. Niall nodded his head.

"Harry's always been the romantic type. He was a brilliant help with picking out hotels to stay at. You can thank Harry for this beach house because I didn't even know this place existed until Harry brought it up to me." He said. I looked around at our surrounding and it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever stayed at.

"If it was up to me and my lack of expertise, we'd probably be staying at some Motel 8 that sounded nice because they offered free continental breakfast." He laughed. I joined in with his laughter but took the time to consider the actual possibility of us ending up in some abandoned motel that served bed bugs with the hotel room. But Niall knew better than that- right?

"Are you saying the breakfast I cook for you isn't good enough?" I joked, making reference to his free continental breakfast statement.

He got up from the stool he was sitting at and came up to hug me from behind, carrying his now empty plate. He rested his chin on my shoulder knowing I loved when he did that. "Of course not love, your cooking is amazing. At this rate, your going to make me put on a few pounds."

"Then I guess your going to have the hit the gym or start cooking for yourself." I wiggled my way around in his arms until it was facing him, his arms still suspended around my waist.

"Your lucky I love you with comments like those." He smirked.

"Are you trying to intimidate me?"

"I don't know, is it working?" He asked. It didn't take me long to respond.

"No but it was a good attempt." I laughed, kissing the tip of his nose.

I looked into his blue eyes and had to try not to get lost in them. The blonde in his hair was almost completely faded but I looked at it like it symbolized the next chapter of our lives. Eventually the journey in the music business would not entertain the idea of One Direction as a whole. Whether that meant the boys playing with the idea of solo careers or taking time to discover other things in their careers. The thoughts alone seemed saddening but they've already been doing so much for so long and they've been lucky to even catch a break. That's why this vacation already means so much to Niall and I.

This sudden change in mindset lead me to run my hand through his darkened hair and stare at him with no particular look on my face. What would the possible absence of One Direction do to Niall and I or our lives in general? Niall always seemed to mention and dance around the idea of writing his own music one day or creating songs for himself rather than the band. What if I was oblivious to the fact that Niall intended on going solo and it wasn't just an idea?

"What's on your mind?" Niall asked, catching onto the fact that I was thinking in my head and not paying attention to our surroundings.

"Just thinking about our future together, that's all." I assured him. I didn't want to worry about these sorts of things because I knew somehow, we would figure everything out and it wasn't like I had to go through this alone. I wasn't asking for much, all I truly need is Niall

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