I got up to hand him something to wipe off the pureed peas still on his forehead but not before he got her out of her high chair.

"Did Niall ever tell you when him and Samantha are coming back from their trip?" Harry asked. I had to think about it because I'm not sure if he actually did or not.

"He said they'd be gone for a few weeks but never specified it." I answered. I began to smile to myself to the point where it caught Harry's attention.

"Whats that smirk for?"

"Oh nothing. Just that when I was in charge of putting Samantha's suitcase together, I included a special item of see through thin satin material that she's bound to have discovered and blushed over already." I laughed, indicating the items of lingerie I had bought specifically for their trip. It was hard to decipher if those specific pieces of clothing were for Samantha or actually for Niall.

"Did you happen to pick up an extra pair for yourself? Or should I say for me?" Harry's lips turned into a seductive grin. I rolled my eyes knowing him and Niall had the exact same thought process.

"I'm not even going to acknowledge that comment," I muttered as I walked past him and Addison. I made it to the top of the stairs before he realized what I had said.

"Wait is that a yes then?" He called up to me.

"I guess your going to have to wait and find out." I added. I can tell by the tone in my voice that it left him feeling teased and questioning why he was downstairs in the kitchen and not in the bedroom with me.

All that being said, his position in the house didn't remain the same for long. It was Addison's nap time and we took advantage of every minute she was asleep.


"Sara can you see who's at the gate? Its most likely just my family but I'm changing Addison right now."

The slight anxiety I had built up leading to the Styles' arrival disappeared when I heard Anne's soft voice on the intercom. I unlocked the gate and buzzed them in before waiting at the door so I could greet them with an overdue embrace.

"Its so nice to see you guys again, it's been far too long." I chimed in. I was released from hugging Anne but it was clear she had something else on her mind.

"Now I didn't fly all the way out here for nothing, where's my beautiful grand baby?" She inquired. I couldn't help but laugh about the exact situation Harry mentioned how Anne was really only here for Addison but its not like I could blame her.

I greeted Gemma and joked on how they seemed to bring the cold and damp weather with them. It was inevitable that our summer was indeed slipping away as we were in the first couple days of September. I showed Gemma up to the rooms her and Anne would be staying in and offered to carry up Anne's luggage as she was already preoccupied with Addison in the living room.

The rest of the carried on calmly and without effort. With Harry's family arriving later in the day, it didn't take us all long to settle down in the living room talking and sharing memories. To my right, Harry was engaged in a conversation with Gemma. It was hard not to notice the similarities between the two siblings. The way they looked all the way down to the way they sounded when they laughed or reacted to something interesting.

"So Sara, I don't need to be abrupt but Harry tells me you've been dealing with some not so easy things lately. I really do hope I'm not being invasive or rude, I really care about you that's all. Please don't be mad at Harry, he was really worried about you." Anne stated.

My eyes drifted back towards Harry as a part of me felt irritated that our personal life couldn't stay between us but I knew his intentions were always good and this was something I was just going to have to live with.

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