Fourteenth Cliché

Start from the beginning

Or was she being so clingy?

Lately Mia was also not herself? She felt that since the entire episode of her slapping the one and only Taehyung Kim in the face, had occurred, she had changed little by litttle. She was constantly nervous and felt as if she was being watched.

Now Mia herself knew that she was slightly paranoid and she tended to over analyze and over think but she just felt herself being followed. Until she had proof though, she had decided that it could be her paranoia.

And Taehyung.

God. Taehyung Kim. He was so obnoxious.

Mia was seeing him everywhere. Every-fucking-where.

And he was being fuck.

Even then, Taehyung was the least of Mia's worries.


November 20, Thursday 6: 35

He couldn't tell Mia about this. He just couldn't.

Mark sighed as his eyes scanned his body and face. It would be hard to hide his face. Mark had no choice but to avoid Mia until his face was less, well...battered. He glanced at his phone which dinged.

It was Mia.

He opened it but did not know how to start. He could already tell that Mia wanted to know why he had rushed into class late and sat away from her. He could see her prying and worrying eyes in his head. There was no need to pour more oil in the fire.

The doorbell rang loud and clearly and caused Mark to go frigid. Softly moving his feet, he arrived to his front door to peek in. Seeing that it was not a female he opened the door. What he saw was unexpected.

"What are you doing here?" Mark looked incredulously at the male standing in front of his door.

It was unexpected. He had never expected him to show up at his door.

The unannounced guest sighed looking at the empty hallway of the apartment building. It was a decent apartment, not cheap but not too expensive.

"Seriously what are you doing here...Jungkook?" Mark scanned the male once before crossing his arms across his chest. Mark was not quite comfortable with having one of the 'royals' in his apartment. In fact, he didn't even like him near his apartment complex. 

Jungkook also scanned Mark who wore very casual clothes, sweatpants, and a black hoodie. When Jungkook heard the elevator ding, he out of habit turned his head. Not liking just standing in front of a dude's home, Jungkook invited himself in to Mark's humble abode.

Pushed aside, Mark reluctantly shut the door closed since Jungkook was already inside his shoes off and in the living room. "What's up with the sudden visit to my home?"

Forgoing the greeting, Jungkook went straight to the point. "What will you do?"

"What will I️ do what?" Mark did not offer him anything to drink or munch because he did not want to. Jungkook was not really a welcomed guest.

"That..." Jungkook sighed. He really didn't have time for this. He also did not want to be here longer than he really wanted or needed to. He got things to do and it would be too sad to waste his precious time.

Mark followed Jungkook's finger which pointed to him, more specifically his face that was slightly aching in pain.

"What is there to do?" Mark finally answers as he rolls his eyes.

"You have to do something. Before she gets hurt. Stop acting as if you're all timid." Mark considered the way Jungkook had worded his sentence. It bothered him. And he had no reason to overlook it.

"You have no right to say anything." Mark spat at Jungkook.

"And why is that? She's my childhood friend. I've known her the longest."

"Friend?" Mark scoffed at the idea. "You call yourself a friend? Ha. Wow. You can't even tell anyone that you're friend with her."

"That's something Mia and I️ decided together." His jaws tightened at that. It was a touchy subject for Jungkook.

"You can't even protect or stop what others are doing to her." Mark's hazel eyes burned with anger. "Don't preach me about my decision to not tell her about this when you can't even tell anyone you're her friend. At least my decision in all I️ do is done with her in mind."

"She needs to know." Jungkook was firm. This was just going to hurt Mia more.

"No." Mark frowned. "Seriously, what do you think she will do? Do you really think that she would be happy knowing that I'm getting hurt because of her?"

"You knew?" Jungkook was a bit startled at what Mark had said. Mark had done nothing and that angered Jungkook to the edge. His nose flaring, he was fuming. "And you did nothing! While she kept getting those bruises?" His teeth gritted as he snarled at Mark.

"I didn't find out till later. know what she said to me when I confronted her?" Mark met him equally in the eyes, his eyes also reflecting the same fury as Jungkook. "What was I supposed to do when...!"

"She got mad?" Jungkook sighed exasperated once he had finished Mark's sentence. He knew how aggressive Mia could get. She was high strung and despite all her guarding she was emotional as a distressed whale, all the time. "You have been dating her for over a year and you didn't think that would be her first response?"

"You will not tell her." Mark took a water bottle out before setting his eyes firmly on Jungkook.

"What. You're going to continue getting..."

"This is nothing. Whatever."

"You know it's going to get worse, right?"

"Than this?" Mark rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Jungkook groaned as he leaned against the wall. "Taehyung is not going to go easy on you like he did with Mia..."

"What?" Mark glared, a vicious glint that was unlike his usual soft eyes. "That was easy on her? Have you seen the bruises left on her body?

"Sadly, yes." Mark's eyes narrowed on Jungkook which he had noticed. "No, not like that. I've seen her legs." Jungkook kept his eyes on Mark. "I know Taehyung and he's not going to be satisfied that easily."

Jungkook looked at Mark with pity. Mark noticed that as well.

"Look as long as Mia isn't being hurt. I can take a little bit of bullying. I'll be his target."

"It's going to get a lot worse. Mark my words, Mark." There was a hint of laughter in Jungkook's voice.

"Ha ha...just leave Jungkook, if you're going to say nonsense."

"Taehyung doesn't let things go. And he went easy on Mia." Jungkook noticed the eye roll. "He did. And he stopped. Taehyung has never done that before." He sighed. "I don't think he changed his target to you. I think Taehyung still has his eyes on Mia."


Jungkook paused unsure to say what he thought. Almost all was his deduction and the last thing Jungkook wanted was for Mark to be alerted. He couldn't help but be cautious. There was something about Mia's boyfriend that wasn't quite completely...nice.

"He has beef with Mia. Not you." Jungkook left after that, not saying goodbye nor even looked at the male.

"It better just be that."

Jungkook had heard it but continued to walk out the door and back to the lodge where his bed waited.

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