♞[16] Potion effects♞

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(Y/n), Ayato andKou ran into some trouble at the church she and Yui came from. Father Komori comes to the conclusion he doesn't have the guts to shoot (Y/n) and decides to let them go.


"(Y/n), Yui's dad said to leave, since the people here hunt vampires."

"Yeah I know I justed wanted to check something..." I wandered out into the church's small grass area, where kids often played. It was a little ways to the playground and school. Once to the field, I looked around and saw it had remained the same.

I started walking down the grass and went up to one of the trees in the area. Of course, this wasn't any tree. On the tree were things I carved when I stole a knife from the kitchen here.

"(Y/n) is cool." Kou read what I had carved.

"Hah, that's stupid." Ayato remarked.

"Shut your face Ayathoe."

I got down on my knees and started to dig up the soft soil. "What the hell are you doing?" Ayato asked,

"Digging, help me. You to Kou." Deciding not to spark up any more questions they helped me dig.

Minutes later we reached something hard. It was a metal Pokémon lunchbox.

"Pfft what the hell is this?"

Ignoring him, I opened up the box and inside it were pictures of me and Yui as children and some friendship bracelets. We made. There were little notes in it too.

~~~~~ Back to the Past ~~~~~~

"(Y/n)-chan we can't be ditching class! The church will make us pray for hours if we're caught."

"Don't worry about it Yui, well be fine! Anyway, look at this!" I whipped out a Pokémon lunch box with Ash, Squirtle, Charmander, and Pikachu on the front.

"That's the lunchbox you don't even use." She said.

"Yeah until today, cause I found a good use for it. Did you bring those pictures and stuff I told you to bring?"

"Yeah, I did why?"

"We're gonna make a time capsule! We're gonna put a bunch of stuff in this box and then bury it. When we're older we'll come back and open it up.

"How old?"

"Eh, I don't know."

"Here, I'll write a note for you and you write one for me."

I put in photos of Yui and I. I also put in my friendship bracelet inside. Along with the bracelets, I put in some drawings we made. Man, I can't wait, when we grow older and come back here to open it.

"Okay here's the deal Yui, we can't see each other's notes until we get older."

"Mkay!" She smiled and folded hers in half placing it in the Pokémon box. Seeing I had put my friendship bracelet in, she put hers in as well."

"Hmm, what else should we put?"

"Oh! I know!"

Yui took out a piece of binder paper. " Let's write letters to ourselves in the future."


{{Present Time}}

"You teenagers! What're you doing here!" We all turned around and saw priest looking at us.

Sweet Silence|| Diabolik Lovers x reader || вooĸ 2 ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora