♞ [29] Karlheinz♞

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◬ Ayato's P.o.v ◬

"Oi, Steve. Thanks for driving our limo." I said.

"Sure thing Ayato! I'll be waiting out here, for when you guys are done!" Steve Said happily, running his fingers through his luscious blonde hair. s̶t̶e̶v̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶

He gave us a charming smile and continued to hum happily to himself, as he rolled the window up.

Reiji and Subaru stood in front of everyone, leading them all into the building. Reiji and Subaru walked up to the lady at the front desk and asked for Karlheinz,

"Excuse me, Miss. We'd like to see Tougo Sakamaki, he's our father." Reiji said.

The lady looked at him in surprise, "I've never seen you before! I didn't know Mr.Sakamaki had children!" She said.

"Yes... now-"

"Just let us go up to see him!" Subaru slammed his fists on the desk.

"Y-yes of course." The woman said timidly doing things with her computer.

"Go to the 13th floor, and head straight down the hall go through the double doors." She said.

We nodded and entered the elevator in which we all had to squeeze, but it worked.

Once we reached the top floor I glared at the double doors ahead, ready to confront this asshole. We knocked on the doors and heard a muffled come in.

We opened the door and there sat Karlheinz in his human form, smirking at us.

I glared at him, 

"Why are we human?" I asked.

"I am simply helping you." He said.

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Subaru shouted.

"Tell me, have your emotions felt any different recently?" Karlheinz, kept that sick smile plastered on his face.

"They have," Ruki said.

"Ahhh so it was a success," Karlheinz said.

"What's your plan?" Laito asked.

"I see no point in hiding it now, I suppose I could tell you." Karlheinz stood up and walked over to the large window facing the city. He stared through the glass staring at the bright lights that filled the night sky. Just like a villain revealing his master plan all along.

"As you know a year ago, Eve was supposed to choose Adam, and start a new superior race to save the future. Another reason for this experiment was to test the strengths and power Adam would have." He said.

"Although it is not important, did you know (Y/n) was not the original Eve?" Karlheinz paced around still looking away from them. 

"She wasn't?" Kou spoke up.

"No, she wasn't. The four of you had kidnapped the wrong person that night, but it didn't matter, because somehow, someway she became Eve the next day. And I am not sure to how it happened." Karlheinz said.

"Alas, that is not of significance. She is Eve now and there is no changing that."

"Get on with it already," Kanato said staring coldly at him.

"Ah, of course. (Y/n) was indecisive when it came to the end, and so she couldn't choose, which postponed the ending of this experiment, and as history goes. You children worked together in chasing off the founders, who are still alive, and now you're human, and have lost Eve."

"Yes, but tell us why!" Yuma shouted.

"Yuma." Ruki stared strictly at Yuma and Yuma scoffed.

"To faster the process of Adam and Eve, whichever of you falls in love with Eve and if she returns your feelings, you will become Adam. Learning more human emotions would speed up operation."

"But what about (Y/n)! Why doesn't she remember anything! Where is she?! THe blue-haired kid took her!" I shouted.

"Oh, you mean Azul? I've decided to add him to the experiment since he was so passionate about getting (Y/n)-san back. As for the memory part, I permanently wiped her memories." He said chuckling a little.

"Damn, I should've killed him before," Subaru said, remembering when Azul had approached him about her disappearance.

"I mixed founder DNA with Azul before I transformed him. He's quite close to becoming Adam if I do say so myself. Would you like to see?"

Everyone remained quiet but Karlheinz showed them what happened. A scene appeared in front of the glass and we all watched.

There stood (Y/n) in the garden, holding her head, like she had a headache. "(Y/n)!!! Where are you?!" I heard the kids voice.

"Coming!!!" She yelled running into the house with a smile plastered on her face. Something about her smile seemed fake.

He walked over to her and spoke, "I missed you." He said hugging her. He buried his face in her hair and held her extremely close. She returned the embrace burying her face in his chest.

The blue haired kid pulled his face away from her hair and stared down at her. She looked up at him and blushed lightly. "I love you (Y/n)." He smiled.

"I love you too." She smiled happily.

I looked at (Y/n)'s face one more time and something seemed really off. There's just no way she's in love with him. I know (Y/n). She's a weirdo, she's not like this.

"Eh? What's this bullshit?" I said looking at the footage.

"Is there something wrong?" Karlheinz asked.

"Yes. There's just no way she's in love with him. I know (Y/n). She's not like this."


"For once I agree with Ayato," Reiji said.

"Same...(Y/n)-chan...is not like that,"Azusa said.

"Hmmm? Is that so?"

"Yup! We know C Neko-chan inside out!" Kou said.

"Ahh I see, Then I suppose it's time for me to turn you back. Maybe the project can end here then, once she chooses who she loves."

"But what if she's in love with all of us?" Laito asked seriously.

Karlheinz looked at him questionably, I never thought about that."

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