♞[4] Not Dead? ♞

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◉◉◉ (Y/n)'s P.o.v ◉◉◉  

Wet. I feel wet. No not the sexual kind of wet. Like the "I'm laying in puddle of water" kind of wet. I opened my eyes and was met with brilliant blue sky. IS this heaven? Did Shu drink all my blood? I sat up and all in my sight was sky for days and shallow water that only went up my ankles. I stood up ignoring the wet feeling on my clothes and looked around.

I looked left and right and saw orange hair in the distance. I started to slowly walk towards this person. They turned their face towards me but still kept their back to me. They had yellow or golden eyes from what I could tell. Once I was 3 feet away from them, they turned around.

The man looked young, but had this old guy vibe to him, like Karlheinz. "Hi."

I greeted.

"Hello, (Y/n) it's been a while. The last time we spoke was when you were in the Adam and Eve Chamber."

"You're that deep voice that speaks to me when I'm there?!"

"That is correct."

"Wait so why did the tree die? It stopped me from making a choice."

"It died, because you weren't completely sure who you wanted to be Adam. When you took up the role of Eve, you had to carry it out truly and pursue the one you wanted to Adam. You were indecisive and that's why you weren't able to choose."

"Oh. Are you upset with me?"

"Yes, but I cannot blame you. Women do have a hard time choosing who they are in love with."

"How would you know that?"

"I was in love once. With your Mother."

"You knew my mom?!" I shouted in disbelief.


"What was she like?"

"Look in the mirror dear. She was exactly like you. She looked the same as you, had the same strong, heroic sense and wouldn't shut her damn mouth."


"Forgive me, I slipped. Talking to you feels like I am talking to her again." He smiled softly. I stared at his gaze, was this guy really in love with my Mom? It sure looks like it. Is he my dad?! Probably not, I mean this guy is a vampire and I'm clearly not a vampire. So yeah...

"So who are you again?"

"Giesbach Tsukinami." (1k special)



He stared at me oddly and then spoke, " My sons are not dead."

"They aren't?! I swear I watched them burn! I mean uhm......"

"Fear not, they still live. They will pursue you soon, but not as hostile as before. Please give them a chance. Even though I hate one of my children, I still would rather you make him Adam than one of those other vampires."


"Anyway Giesbach, why am I here?"

"I wanted to speak with you about one of the things you must do once you choose your Adam."

"What is it?"

"You must kill Karlheinz."


"Calm down. Once you are a vampire, you and Adam will be of equal strength to kill Karlheinz."

"Hahaha...very funny."

"I am not joking. I am completely serious."

"Is there a reason why I have to kill him?"

"Right now there is not. But when the time comes a reason will come up and it push you forward to driving Karlheinz to his demise."

"If you say so."

"We must part for now. Let us meet again soon (Y/n)."

"See ya!"


"AHHHHHH!" I woke up screaming.

"Now that's interesting . You haven't woken up screaming in quite a while." Ruki was sitting beside me on the bed.

In case you don't remember what your room looks like,

"Yeah, it has been a while huh?" I laid back on the bed and stretched out my arms and legs, pushed Ruki over slightly.

"So why are you in my bed?" I asked.

"I was guarding you in case that pervert would come touch you while you were knocked out. You should be thankful."

He's talking about Lait-hoe.

"Thank you Ruki-sama!~" I called him by his old name. I snapped my fingers at him and sent a wink. I realized there is so much more than just eyebrow wiggles in this world.

Ruki smirked at me and put his book on the bedside table. He leaned over closer to me and pushed me down onto the bed.

"What do you plan on achieving by calling me Ruki-sama?" He whispered in my ear. I blushed at his tone. Instead of responding I shifted slightly under him. He was really close.

"Aren't you going to tell me what you want?"


"(Y/n)!~" Kou barged in and Ruki teleported off of me into another room, before Kou could notice. He looked at me and saw me blushing in the sheets.

"Don't tell me...."

"Were you thinking of me in bed?!" Kou pointed at me with his usual fake smile.


"Aww c'mon admit it." Kou said.

"I wasn't! That's weird!"

"Yes it is weird like you." Kou accused. "Why does everyone think I'm weird, if anything you're all weird and I'm the normal one." Kou rolled his eyes at me.

"Anyway, get dressed C-Neko-chan, we're going to the amusement park!"

I pushed Kou out of the room and changed, into a loose gray sweater and some shorts. It was super hot today so I'm not gonna wear pants. I put on the cross necklace Mr.Komori gave me. I never really wore it much before. I mean on the first day when I crossdressed here I wore it, but after that I stopped wearing it. I hadn't started wearing it daily until Yui died.

"Okay I'm ready." I walked out and saw Kou and all the other guys.

"I didn't say you guys could come." Kou pouted.

"Deal with it." Subaru said.

"Okay let's go now."

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